
Essay on Mars And Venus

Good Essays

Mars And Venus

I am following up on the book of , "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus." by
John Gray. "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" was been a very interesting book. The book brought up some very interesting facts about both sexes. While also remaining very general to cover basically everyone and simple for everyone to understand.
So simple in fact that I saw everything in there as being common sense; but also at the same time being hidden from the obvious senses.

In the past the news has done interviews with John Gray and his recent students. It has basically shown that whoever who has gone to John Gray for advice in a troubled relationship has came out as basically a new couple. I …show more content…

John Gray shows a very obvious point of why men and women sometimes have such hard times getting along to each other. We men tend to take things too literally and anything else we take as an attack against us. Women tend to say sentences which have deeper meanings. Some of the phrases men easily misinterpreted are: "We never go out.", "You don't love me anymore.", or "The house is always a mess.".
And for these phrases we have some dumb response like, " We just went out last week.". In telling people that both sexes speak two different languages I can see how Gray is helping couples out. Gray is in fact in encouraging people to be more sensitive to their mates and to be very communicative. Also to try to be more understanding of their partners when there is something troubling him/her. I say Gray gets one point for bringing up such a good point.

Onto another point I award to John Gray. John distinguishes Martians and Venusians have very different cultures. There are things in which guys do that the does not interest the female and vise versa. I agree with John on the point that men usually like to solve their own problems. It makes a male feel needed and useful. Women on the other hand like to talk out their problems. They don't actually need people to help solve their problems; but people to hear them out. In one of the sections John said that guys are generally "Mr.
Fix-its". With this pointed out to me by John Gray I

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