
Martin Luther And The Protestant Reformation

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The Protestant Reformation was a reform movement in the 16th century that was against the
Roman Catholic and its way of controlling things. Martin Luther, a reformer along with John
Calvin and Henchurches VII. Luther may have had full faith in God, but he also had fear in him and his powers. They questioned the authority of the church and argued over political and religious powers in the hands of the bible. Martin Luther was the starter of it all.
Martin Luther was a German monk who decided to start the Reformation. In 1517 he sent out a paper with the “95 theses”, a list describing the doctrine and how the indulgences were being abused. This list was sent to the Pope Leo. Luther discussed the wrong of selling indulgences to the people in …show more content…

He took advantage of the attention to preach more on his teachings and doctrines. During the time Luther even translated the Bible from Greek to German.
Martin Luther's biggest achievement was translating the New Testament in a matter of eleven weeks. He knew he could not do it all by himself so he started a committee and called them
“Sanhedrin”, which mean assembly or council. He taught the Germans of Christ and apostles.
His translation, later on, led to other Protestant versions to be made in different languages like
French and English. The Reformation did not depend much on reforms after the translations came out but more on the Bible itself since people were actually able to understand what it was saying. Luther translating the Bible became the most powerful object of the Reformation. He began to be respected by more people rather than them executing him. Another one of Luther's famous works was the hymn of “ A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”. It was a hymn over
Lutheranism which is a branch of the Protestants. The hymn was loved by Protestants because it supported the reformers.
When the Protestant Reformation began, several branches were formed off Christianity. In these branches, there was Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Methodism, and Baptist churches.
Anglicanism represents churches in England and Canterbury. They have a creed which is known as the 39 articles (a statement from the church of England)

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