
Martin Luther: The Philosopher

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Luther lived a normal childhood in Eisleben, Germany, the city where Luther was born to Margaret and Hans Luder. Luther was raised in Mansfield, where his father worked. He was incredibly smart; so smart that at only 13 years old he went to the University of Erfurt to study law. Luther earned his master’s degree here. He was so well-spoken at public debates, he earned himself the nickname “The Philosopher.” Later during his life, at twenty one years old, Luther experienced a traumatic and life-changing event. He found himself in a severe thunderstorm on his way to Erfurt. When lightening struck near him, he yelled out for help from Saint Anne. He said if she helped him that he would become a monk. After the storm subsided, he fulfilled his promise and entered the monastic life. Martin Luther was a very successful monk, and he managed to change the course of Western history for …show more content…

Luther looked further into the selling of indulgences. From this came the 95 Theses, a handwritten document of ninety five arguments Luther had with the church. The document spread all across Germany and soon the issue wasn't just the indulgences but the Pope as well. Luther was threatened with excommunication when he stated that “a simple layman armed with the scriptures” held more power than the pope. He argued that all Christians are priests. He also reduced the seven sacraments to only two — baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Then he told Christians that they were free from the Church’s laws, but they should continue to love their neighbors. Luther was called to an assembly to appear before the Holy Roman Emperor. When he got there, he discovered it was not another debate but a trial to recant his views. He said, “Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me! Amen.” By the time they had made the decision to convict Luther for heresy, he had already ran away to Warburg Castle, where he would hide for ten

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