
Maruyama Assessing College Readiness Summary

Decent Essays

In “Assessing College Readiness: Should We Be Satisfied with ACT or other Threshold Scores?”, educational researcher and psychology teacher Geoffrey Maruyama argues that the ACT and other threshold scores do not sufficiently determine college readiness, then suggests different approaches that can be used to assess college readiness.

Geoffrey Maruyama begins his article by discussing the importance of a college education and the importance of helping students prepare for college by assessing their college readiness. While acknowledging that the ACT does predict some college readiness the author discusses the problems that arise with just using threshold scores to determine college readiness. The author uses reputable research to support his claim that socioeconomic status, demographics (such as gender), family social class, racial background, and especially grades are important predictors of college readiness. Maruyama argues that a new college-readiness definition is needed and then suggests seven …show more content…

While different methods, such as the ACT, on their own can try to determine college readiness the data is inaccurate (Maruyama, 2010). There are more college students doing well in college then the ACT reports there are. (Maruyama, 2010). Many factors should be used to determine college preparedness such as grades, test scores, and socioeconomics. Maruyama does a great job at backing up all his claims with research. Socioeconomics, for example, play a huge role in college preparedness (Education and Socioeconomic Status, 2017). It is hard for a student to do well when they live under the poverty line. Grades become second to survival. On the other hand, parents that are supporting their children’s education and are educated themselves have children that generally do better in college thanks to all the family support. (Education and Socioeconomic Status,

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