
Mary Oleniczak's Invasion Of Privacy

Decent Essays

Unit 3 demonstrated the concepts of motivating employees and ignoring privacy. Companies who motivate their employees, see a huge jump in performance. Now many companies motivate employees through money but that necessarily is not the best way. One the other hand companies who ignore privacy laws, tear down their employees. Employers like to check social media sites like Facebook to see who a person is. This is an invasion of privacy for many employees. Just one post could ruin an employee’s life. Companies should attempt to build and motivate employees rather than snoop online. Motivation is something all humans want. We like to feel appreciated but not everyone is motivated by money. Money is a good tool but if the company gave money to every employee, the company could go bankrupt. So employers need to find ways to motivate people besides …show more content…

On the other hand, many employees more and more feel violated and disrespected. The world has become more digital which involves many aspects of a person’s life to be online. Over a billion people use Facebook regularly, where they upload personal information. The question is, do companies have the right to search Facebook to discover more about the person. In the article, Employers Use Facebook Too, for Hiring by Mary Oleniczak et al., Oleniczak demonstrates the lack of privacy workers are receiving. People on social media never post their whole story. Only some aspect of their life show up. If an employer looks at the site, they see one side of a person, they see a personal side that does not involve their work life. Also everyone is human, which means people can be selfish and rude. So maybe on a person’s site, that person seems great but another person keeps bashing them because for some reason that person does not like the other person. The basher makes the person look bad even if it is only the basher’s point of

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