
Mass School Shootings

Good Essays

Protecting our Schools from Mass Shootings

Six adults and twenty students would soon lose their lives due to one man with crazy unexpected intentions ( With all the hustle and bustle of the morning air, who would've ever thought that the security of a small elementary school needed to be safer than ever. Newtown’s safety was under no one’s control because of less security and staff who were not prepared at the time (Sandy Hook Families). So how can the security become fixed when its already known as “safe and secure”? Some ways that could completely help are looking at school safety now, mental health institutes, and gun control so that all of the students, staff, and visitors will be more secure when entering school. In order …show more content…

The safety of the complex is the most crucial part as is the foundation of school shootings. The foundation for the problem could start by from adding security guards, improve student to counselor relationships, and adding metal detectors to the entrances. 5 tips to Improving School Safety and Security by Discovery Software stated that “Improved school safety and security doesn’t have to cost huge amounts of capital improvements that make our schools feel more like jail.” This belief is one that seems to retrogress because though everyone needs the security the whole doesn’t need the feeling of being stuck forever. But the feeling of being stuck in school doesn’t have to happen …show more content…

The process of adding more guards and adding more detectors to school buildings will just add on to the stress of students going to school. Also by adding all the equipment it will make it feel more like a jail anyway because they already have a set lunch, certain amount of bathroom passes and a bell dismisses them from all their classes. So even by adding the following safety measures the schools are not becoming more “safe and secure” (“5

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