How should we prevent future mass shootings?
Mass shootings have become an upcoming trend, all over the country. Shopping centers, schools, churches, and even movie theaters have seen the violent mass shootings lately. People ask how we can stop the violence, but most don’t know where to start.
Some say that guns should be banned, but people like hunters or gun owners disagree. Instead of banning them completely, the government can just strengthen the gun laws. Guns should be a privilege and not a right for people who use them incorrectly. People should prove that they would be responsible with guns by undergoing mandatory training, knowing how to safely keep them locked away, and practice gun ownership properly.
Another way that it could
All three texts share a common theme on mass shootings while using the research, findings, and published works of Professor Adam Lankford. Each of the texts uses the rhetorical aim Inform and Explain due to all three texts being presented in a expository manner. These texts fit the definitions and criteria for Inform and Explain as they are confident which is shown by making the purpose of the paper known early on and the continued stream of confidence throughout all three texts. In Newsweeks article Study: Mass Shootings ‘Exceptionally American Problem’ the title immediately states the purpose of the article followed by referring to Lankfords work almost immediately on how these mass shootings develop in America. This confidence and purpose
After a gunman bore down on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Maddy Wilford lay bleeding from three bullet wounds, so pale that officers responding to the carnage first thought she was dead.
We are deeply saddened by the tragic shootings last night in downtown Dallas, the loss of life of so many police officers, and injury to officers and citizens. It is a horrific reminder of the brokenness of our world and its need for prayer and healing.
On July 25, at Club Blu in Fort Myers, Florida, a shooter shot 18 people, killing 2 and injuring 16. Due to these recent shootings all across America, citizen become increasingly more concerned for their safety. We need to look at these shootings and realize that something needs to be done. We need to make the ways of obtaining guns and ammunition harder for everyone. Everyone needs to join forces and implant this problem that is plaguing on our great country.
I completely support those who stand up for our constitutional right to bear arms, but in light of the recent shootings, is it time for state and federal health officials to declare a national public health emergency? Is it really ok that we be allowed to purchase an excessive amount of firearms, does that not raise any eyebrows? This is a national epidemic. I want to ask Congress to place limits on firearm purchases, ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and provide funds for gun violence research. Americans deserve to be able to walk, celebrate and gather in large groups without the fear of random and mass shootings.
Mass shootings in the United States is a huge problem that has seemed to become a norm, faced rarely by other developed country. On October 1st, 2017 the most deadliest mass shooting in US history took place, suppressing the Orlando nightclub shooting just over one year earlier. This just like every other mass shooting has gun owners and opposers scrambling on what we should do next to fix this terrible problem.
Society has seen and experienced mass shootings over the last decade and more frequently as of recent. There have been mass shooting in malls, schools, military bases, movie theaters, and even churches. The shooting in South Carolina was not the first mass shooting to occur in a church. It may even seem that a number of mass shootings has increased over the years. Many have been quick to rush to judgment when these shooting have occurred and have led to overgeneralization, selective and inaccurate observation and illogical reasoning. Everything from guns, race, prior criminal history, lack of armed security, and a flag have been blamed for the violence that has occurred from those who
As a principal, developing a plan to prepare my school for a potential mass public shooting event, I would see it necessary to engage the city emergency manager, to get any assistance and/or direction that that person could provide. I would also seek to establish an open line of communication with the emergency manager, to enable collaboration with the various representatives that comprise the emergency management network, in particular law enforcement and emergency medical services (EMS). Having established these relationships will aid the ability of both law enforcement and EMS to respond, if such an event occurred; given that collaborative networks are fundamental to emergency management response (Waugh & Streib, 2006). Along with establishing open communications, I would also seek assistance with establishing training for the faculty and staff, followed by training for the students.
The United States’ sloppy gun laws create angry citizens. Every time a shooting happens in the United States more and more people begin to realize something needs to change. “Public attitudes are shaped by a growing number of voices saying enough.” (Sulton 1). As time goes on the American people grow more upset with the state and federal governments. These lawmakers have been doing nothing to change the epidemic sweeping the nation. The carelessness of the government is only making more people fed up. “Unless we act the jokes on us. I refuse to believe as Americans we cannot change this narrative.” (Ozanne 1)
The crime that this paper will focus on and try to dissect/solve will be civilian mass shootings or as the Federal Bureau of Investigation refers to them, active shooter incidents, where a person(s) goes out into a public setting and tries to kill or injure others on purpose (FBI). The first problem with these types of incidents is gun control because the weapons that are used for these are guns that can be purchased from a store, and even if someone is to pass all the requirements to obtain and use one that does not mean that they should have one because of the risks involving not only them but anyone who might have access to the gun. Then there is the issue of mental health, not just mental illness, because besides anyone with
Either way mass shootings can be defined, they still present a huge problem in the United States. One popular definition of mass shootings is any incident in which, four or more people have been injured by gun violence. Using this definition the U.S had 204 mass shootings in 204 days in 2015 according to Mass Shooting Tracker a Reddit based organization which has been cited by the Washington Post.
It seems like an epidemic to turn on the television and have the screen be bombarded with news broadcasts surrounding a school, college, and even churches and having those two words engrained at the bottom, “Mass Shooting”. In just those two words dread stabs its way into our hearts. Soon the media interviews a bystander that witnessed the massacre. They describe how the blissful harmony of mundane life was broken by the abrupt thwack of lead as it glides through the air. The number of mass shootings has exponential increased. What drives a person to such an immoral act? Finding the irrational motivation behind this problem goes deeper than blaming firearms, instead it means finding the cure to the virus of mass shootings through the three causes in the seeking of glorification, lack of an authoritative figure, and the obsession of some radical ideology that devalues respect of human lives. These three factors are in part what have allowed the once random acts of mass shootings into an increasing occurrence of everyday life in America.
Mass Shootings What makes a person capable of shooting elementary school children? Is the only factor their ability to carry or obtain a gun? Definitely not. Guns are not the biggest cause of mass- shootings.
There is an assumption that if you understand the minds of serial killers, or persons who commit mass shootings, that it may help prevent mass shootings. “Mass shootings are not on the rise, but have held steady over three decades, randomly clustering in time to trick our brains into finding a pattern of increase where none actually exists” (Shermer 3). Mass shootings happen at varying times without rhyme or reason. Some think that a psychological disorder or some genetic defect could be the reason people commit these crimes. Although we cannot prevent mass shootings, we can educate on how mental health issues can be a precursor to such a tragedy, and how better laws can create a safer environment.
Gun ownership should be banned to reduce the 100,000 deaths of americans that are shot every year in the United States. Throughout America’s history, we have been known as the extremely gun violent country unfit to protect our citizens from danger. The television news reports continue to display the violent crimes and school shootings that has harmed innocent people especially children. When the government allows guns to be legal in the United States, they are giving people the responsibility to use this weapon for self defense purposes and recreational sport such as hunting. However, gun owners have been unable to handle this responsibility