Mathiew Doyle Mrs. Mercer Honors Freshman Lit 15 February 2017 Going Pro for GMOs "We have the whole government working against us." "They don 't want Americans to figure out that these could be causing health issues, that they haven 't been tested, and they are increasing pesticide and herbicide use"(Chien) claims Food Babe blogger Vani Hari. Opponents of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), led by a brigade of popular TV show hosts and online bloggers, claim that they are unhealthy, unsafe, and untested. GMOs are needed within the growing population because of their ability to increase crop yields, their ability to improve nutrition levels of foods, to cure hunger, and to eradicate diseases. It is estimated that an average 805 …show more content…
They did so by adding a strand of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis into the cotton’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)(Genetically Engineered). Monsanto’s most valuable consumer of Bt cotton is China. Even though Bt cotton is expensive, it still has lowered China’s cotton production fees by 14%. Before Bt cotton, Bollworms were capable of eating entire cotton crops, which also affected China’s textile industry. (“Genetically Engineered”). This is only one example of how GMOs can reduce pesticide use, and make crops available to countries who struggle with pests and do not have the monetary capability to purchase pesticide and herbicide. GMOs are extremely effective in increasing crop yields a tremendous amount. One good example of this is the green revolution, which took place during the 1960s and 1970. During this time, farmers started using hybrid seeds and pesticides far more heavily than ever before. Biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted that by the 1970s, the US will have stopped sending India food aid, and that hundreds of millions of people will have died of hunger. The hybrid seeds, between 1970 and 1995, improved production speeds by two-thirds, and saved an estimated billion people from starvation. The use of
In 2015, Tim Anderson, a PhD researcher, wrote “GMO Foods are Unsafe”, an article which perhaps sheds light on the mishandling of genetically modified foods, including the lack of testing of said food products, as well as the potential hazards posed to humans and the environment. In the same year, Genetic Literacy Project’s web editor, JoAnna Wendel, wrote a contrasting article “Genetically Modified Foods Have Been Studied and Found Safe to Eat”, and voices her disgust over the false information that constantly belittle GMOs. She believes the allegation that little evaluation has been accomplished to monitor and ensure the safety of these genetic modifications is based on frantic opinions and not accurate facts. Although their positions appear to utterly oppose one
We are keeping our food reliable through the use of GMOs. GMOs can provide food that can be helpful for conditions in the world. They can be manufactured to fit to threatening conditions, such as drought. They can also be used to withstand diseases that have the potential to cause famine. Blights can cost millions in damages, and with new resistance technology being tested we could save millions of dolars and millions of crops. "Blight-resistant potatoes would be one of the first major foods genetically engineered to incorporate defenses against plant diseases, which annually destroy some 15 percent of the world’s agricultural harvest." These foods can even be modified to prevent bugs from consuming or ruining a crop yield. This resistance to famine can help us become less concerned about starvation due to unfavorable conditions. The crop yield can remain the same. Those opposed to GMOs may claim that they increase pestacides and harm the environment. This is completely false. "It is a matter of fact that GM crops have drastically cut the use of such pesticides. GM cotton, containing a built in insecticide, uses 50% less chemical insecticides. In 1998 around 1000 tonnes less insecticide was used in the US cotton belt than before the introduction of GM cotton. That insecticide was mainly sprayed from planes. Only a small percentage reached its target. The rest drifted into the wider environment killing
Genetically engineered crops in the United States cover almost one quarter of all the cropland. Soybeans, cotton, and corn are the products that tend to be the most modified. GMOs do not only have the purpose of solving world hunger, but also to cure diseases and create vaccines. John and Cheryl talk about Monsanto and DuPont, another big company involved in the production of GMOs. These two companies claim that their products have the purpose of feed the world and at the same time reduce the use of pesticides and stop the production of erosion. Nonetheless, researches have shown that the claims of these companies have no support, since biotechnology has been improving quickly and the current study to prevent bigger mistakes in the future is
In the essay “Genetically Modified Food: Watching What We Eat,” by Julie Cooper, she argues against the rampant use of genetically modified food (GMO) without any current form of regulation. Cooper discusses the possibility of health risks to those consuming foods with altered genes and the food’s capabilities to have far-reaching health risks. She continues with a discussion as to how and why the creation and use of the GMOs have become so unregulated. She then discusses the response, which is the public’s cry for their right to make informed choices. Other topics discusses are the political, environmental, and corporate ramifications of the rise of GMOs.
“When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow.” – Ursula K. Le Guin. No matter what good some people believe they are doing, everything seems to come with a consequence, and the question is whether or not the good overpowers the bad. Many experts argue that Genetically Modified foods are actually beneficial to, not only people, but animals, plants, and the world overall. Some experts even state that, not only are they beneficial, but that they also protect the environment and aid food productivity. Most farmers actually recommend GMO’s because they are easier to grow, maintain, and tend to be more profitable; however, countless other experts have come to realize that GMO foods are untested, unsafe, and unhealthy. Studies indicate that
In this research project, the question that initially guided my ideas was “How safe are Genetically Modified Organisms?" Beyond further investigation of the topic, I took the route of GM Feed to assess the animals that are being prepared for our consumption. Therefore whether there is some sort of GM contamination in the body of the animals with a GM diet, it allows me to make my own stance on the potential risks and safety of GMOs for animals and humans. With conductive research on scholarly articles and journals that investigate the study of animals fed GM Crops, I plan to explain to my audience that GM foods have more benefits
GMOs, (genetically modified organisms) have been a topic of interest in the social eyes for years. Since they’ve been created, many people have voiced and written about their opinions on GMOs, and whether they are dangerous or not. Created to expand the genetic diversity of crops and animals, many don’t know whether GMOs are good or bad, and neither do researchers. Though there hasn’t been any evidence claiming whether GMOs are good or bad, it has certainly not stopped the public from creating their own opinions. Since no one knows the truth behind GMO, it has opened a window of opportunities for companies including Monsanto to voice their support of GMO, while other companies like the Non-GMO Project voice their
For hundreds of years, mankind has attempted to manipulate the DNA of other organisms through selective breeding, in order to produce traits that were favorable or advantageous to humans such as seedless bananas, seedless watermelons, and even man’s best friend, dogs. But in 1953, scientists were truly able to alter an organism’s DNA within a generation and modify its traits. Now let’s take it to modern day. We are now able to engineer GMOs and create things like blue strawberries that are able to withstand freezing temperatures after injecting genes from the Arctic Flounder Fish. GMOs stand for Genetically Modified Organisms, they are organisms that have been created through genetic engineering. In addition, it is currently estimated that 70% of all processed foods in the United States contain at least one genetically modified ingredient. (Smith) In fact, developed countries do not consider GMOs to be safe at all. In a recent survey, 52% of Americans believe that GMOs are unsafe and an additional 13% are unsure about them. (Langer) But despite the general public’s skepticism of GMOs, genetic engineering can yield great power, with the ability to bring great benefits but at the same time, it can bring great harm. So, we, as a society should remain cautionary, but we shouldn’t completely isolate ourselves and reject such promising technology. We should encourage research in order to better our understanding of GMOS by not only scientists, but everyone as a whole.
Dr. Praphul Joshi 10/23/2013 Controversial Public Health Issue There are several controversial issues confronting us today; from Universal Healthcare (Obama Care) to Stem Cell research, to vaccinations, to genetically engineered (GE)/genetically modified (GM) foods. However, I shall look at genetically modified foods as the controversial issue for this article. I shall look at an article from the mass media about this controversial public health issue and place emphasis on the message the document wants to convey and address any biases that may be within. In addition, I shall provide additional data or facts from another article to see if it supports or refutes the controversial message. It is my intention that this article will provide some clarity on genetically modified foods confronting us in the United States and the world over. Since the successful cloning of Dolly, the sheep, in July 5, 1996, Biotechnology has been praised and castigated at the same time.
In the past few years, society has been made more aware of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Because of this, GMOs are being replaced in diets with more natural and organic options. GMOs have been researched and found to cause adverse effects on human health because of the gene splicing, or genetic alterations that are done to create them through genetic engineering. Before this issue became an issue, many people were eating processed and even healthy foods without understanding what chemicals and toxins they were actually putting into their bodies. GMOs are infused into food without awareness because one never really understands what all those unpronounceable words, label GMOs, really are. Due to recent research, it has been found that genetically modified organisms are harmful and can lead to increased risks of disease and cancer.
In a health conscious world today and advance food technology people are beginning to wonder ‘what is it that we are actually taking in’. This is where the word GMOs starts being tossed around. GMO is the abbreviation of Genetically Modified Organisms, but if crops and livestock are fine naturally why should they be modified? This is where the myth of GMOs being harmful to the human body become present. The public grows intimidated when they know that their food has been modified, leaving the people with a state of mind of hatred. The belief that the public gets when they sense that their food seems abnormal, especially being modified to meet the needs for a better future, will make the public imagine it as a very dangerous intake for any source of life to sustain.
Much of the public concern surrounding the safety of GMOs stems from the process of actually creating them. This is admittedly not a natural process, which is a surefire way to raise critic’s eyebrows in doubting their safety. However, there is no evidence that supports these myths. The Committee on Genetically Engineered Crops, The National Academy of Science, and the Board on Agriculture and Natural Recourses all agree after extensive testing and observation that there is no additional harm in the consumption of GMO food. The research conducted in animal studies, as well as chemical analysis of the crops, show no indication that GMOs are negatively affecting human health. The next allegation hurled at GMOs is that they may have
Over the last few years, many people and news organization talk about the use of GMO’s and how they are not safe for our health. The process of genetically modifying foods has been tested and researched and in recent years has been more widely used by giant corporations and some farmers. Scientists have altered seeds and grown food synthetically. The government says that “GMO’s are not harmful” and has publicly stated that they feel it will solve world hunger. Many studies have shown that the reproduction of food in this manner is harmful. Many scientists believe that it is not the product but how it is being used. The corporations are utilizing bad water, bad soil, and extremely harmful pesticides. The
Do you ever just enter a grocery store to buy some fruits or vegetables? Of course you do! But have you noticed the word “GMO” flying around? Oh you don’t? It’s okay, that’s is why I’m here to help! Gmo stands for Genetically Modified Organisms. They are food but they are foods that have been processed by chemicals and all the technology items. “are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering, or GE. This relatively new science creates unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria and viral genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods (1). Having this said, these GMO’s can be harmful thing to the world we are living right now. We see two points of view of the genetic modified organisms. We see the side of how people think it is so much better because it’s more modified than actual organisms that has been hand raised. And the other side is these GMO’s can harm an individual 's lives away. These GMO’s can also harm the outdoor environment and who lives in the forests? Animals! It doesn 't only affect humans but also, the animals.
Genetically modified organisms, commonly known as GMOs, have been around since the early 1990’s. Genetically modified crops are engineered to be drought, bug, and pest tolerant. Genetically modified (GM) crops are also made to increase yields and to have many other positive attributes for the farmer. (“Introduction”). GM crops and foods have not been proven to be harmful to people 's health in any way. GMOs, which aren’t harmful to people’s health, are beneficial to the environment and society because they can increase food production and keep the cost of produce affordable.