
Me Talk Pretty One Day Analysis

Decent Essays

The “Me talk pretty one day” story recounts a students experience when he was learning French.The story is about a 41 year old men that went back to school to learn french and moved to Paris. His teacher was the worst teacher because she got mad and made fun when a student couldn't talk french. He had a bad experience in Paris but, it made him get better to talk french. When he moved to Paris he went to school with the hopes of learning french. He’s experience in Paris was bad because he didn't the language very well and when the teacher asked him question he understand part of the question. The teacher was a bad teacher because if you could answer her questions she got mad. In the text it says “We soon learned to dodge chalk and protect our heads and stomachs whenever she approached us with a question. She hadn't yet …show more content…

The teacher was an awful teacher because she made her students feel bad. I can relate to this because when I was in 3rd grade my math teacher made me and other students stay after school if we couldn't solve the math problem she gave us. Theres always a bad teacher that makes students feel bad and to embarrass them in front of other students. This is similar to the teacher in the story because she got mad and threw things to her students if they couldn't understand french or couldn't answer her question. This story shows that there are some bad people that like to make other people feel bad. Also in the story it says “you exhaust me with your foolishness and reward my efforts with nothing but pain, do you understand me?”(pg.187). She made her students feel bad and made fun of some students because they didn't speak the language. The “Me talk pretty one day” story's message is to never give up on something and that you can always accomplish what you want. The student that had moved to Paris learned french and was able to defend himself when the teacher said something to

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