
Me Talk Pretty One Day Analysis

Decent Essays

Language has been an integral part of human existence since the dawn of time. Our innate ability to communicate has guided the progress of civilization since its modest beginnings and facilitates our understanding of what it means to be human. The only practical way to thoroughly express one’s identity is through language, whether it be verbal speech or written text. It is only through this medium that we are able to fulfill our roles as a social people, who use discourse to cultivate relationships both on a personal and communal level. Language defines the human notion of self by revealing culture and beliefs, making individuality context-specific, and providing identity markers.
The most beautiful facet of language is its intrinsic ability …show more content…

Most individuals take on multiple sub-identities in order to associate with certain groups in specific settings. This way, language allows people to adapt, and “be Muslim in the Mosque, Asian in the street, Asian-British at political hustling and British when traveling abroad, all in a single day” (Jaspal). There are so many experiences in the everyday life of humans that one single identity is hardly enough to fully appreciate what the world has to offer. Language breaks barriers between different settings and allows individuals to take on a motley of experiences that subsequently define their notion of self. In Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris describes his time in Paris, France, both interacting with the city community and in his French classroom. In the city, David practices a foreign language and is able to explore a new culture through social interactions, identifying himself as a self-assured foreigner who puts importance in global and cultural knowledge. On the other hand, his classroom experience with a Gestapo-like French teacher causes him to feel inferior in this foreign language, and ultimately he is too insecure to comfortably interact with the public community. The way individual’s use language is highly dependent on the situation in which they use it, and consequently their idea of who they …show more content…

Jaspal claims that “language can often constitute a marker of the distinct identity; for instance, it may reflect membership of a particular subculture, and endow members with a sense of distinctiveness from other groups” (Jaspal). Language manipulation is closely related to this concept, whereas the creation of new slang is prevalent among subcultures. Collectively, hip-hop artist demonstrate some “membership” to a subculture that makes use of common words to which they apply different meaning. For example, the word “minute” is fairly easy to understand as it relates to a short measure of time, but in hip-hop culture the word is used to describes a very long period of time, such as an artist’s entire career. Through language manipulation such as this, subcultures provide identity markers that people use as cues to draw up conclusions and assumptions about members in that particular group. Another example is the ever-present language police, the dedicated radicals who valiantly and enthusiastically insists that certain grammar rules or word usage be followed. Some language police draft up their own words for publication, like one dictionary that “includes such linguistic mutations as “womyn” — women, ‘used as an alternative spelling to avoid the suggestion of sexism perceived in the sequence m-e-n’” (Kakutani). The word created by this

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