
Meaning Of Simplicity By William Zinsser

Decent Essays

Simplicity Simplicity according to its definition is well simple but, simplicity is not however simple to do in writing.Some think that reducing an article or paragraph or just removing needless words or phrases will make it simple but, that is false. Simplicity in a career is usually only achieved after spending long periods of time working on and honing skills. Writers in this chapter have pressed how important simplicity is in writing, they also do a very nice job of showing it in their writing. William Zinsser said that good writing doesn’t come naturally,though people seem to think it does. Zinsser was quite passionate about simplicity in his writing, calling “clutter” as a disease in American writing and saying “we are a society …show more content…

As mentioned before, simplicity is typically achieved after practicing and honing skills, a student setting that as their goal could be a daunting task. There are professional writers that struggle with sentence clutter, trying too hard to make themselves more intelligent by using larger words and more drawn out sentences. This can prove detrimental to their overall writings, the so-called “secret” to good writing is to break a sentence down to barest components and run with it, there is a nice example of this in this chapter. In one of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidential memos, the memo read “Such preparations shall be made as will completely obscure all Federal buildings and non-Federal buildings occupied by the Federal government during an air raid for any period of time from visibility by reason of external or internal illumination.” Roosevelt plainly said “Tell them, that in buildings where they have to keep the work going to put something across the windows.” This a perfect example of simplifying an over-complicated sentence or phrase. while this may make a complex thing like simple writing look easier than it really is, it gives a good example of how simplifying a writing can greatly increase the chance for their chance of having it being understood by a wider array of readers. Zinsser quotes Henry David Thoreau in the writing, saying “Simplify,simplify”, This is strong advice when a writer is over-complicating their writing with inflated words and sentence

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