
Measure 92: Yes Or No?

Decent Essays

Measure 92: Yes or No? What is one thing that every single person in the world does? It is the most obvious thing you could think of: eat food. Everyone eats food. Have you ever heard of someone that can survive without eating? If someone were to claim that, the laughter would never end. We know that there are roughly seven billion people eating daily, wouldn’t it seem logical that we ate healthy foods, or that we at least knew that we put into our mouths? Sadly, most of the time we do not know what we eat; what we use to run our bodies and keep going through the day. In our current time, everything is processed, from the whole milk down to the Twinkies. They all have been modified with GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. We should be able to know if a food has been modified with these GMOs, that doesn’t sound …show more content…

There has been a huge debate over GMO labeling going back many years, only now starting to really gain traction. Measure 92 in Oregon was a vote over the labeling, if it passed, Oregon would be the first state in the U.S. to require the labeling of genetically modified foods. The vote was extremely close, forty-nine-point-nine percent were for the bill, and fifty-point-zero were against. Because of the very small margin between the two, there has been a mandatory recount. Many still believe that the outcome will not change. But this is just the first, and it’s already so close down the middle. Large corporations are fighting very hard to stop these bills from passing, and it is very suspicious as to why it would concern them so much that they would pour literally millions of dollars into stopping bills like measure 92. All foods that have been genetically modified, or contain

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