
Meat: Why You Should Not Eat Meat?

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The Reality behind Meat: Why You Should Not Eat Meat?
Eating meat is part of the daily life of thousands of people all around the world, but the point is who has the power to decide who should live or die; as a great physicist said, “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty” (Albert Einstein). Many people do not realize the risks of eating meat and they are not aware of the pain and the damage caused not only to the health but also to the animals and the environment. Essentially humans are not conscious of the reality behind a piece of meat. Humans describe the meat industry as a paradise where the animals grow up freely in an excellent atmosphere and with all requirements according to the law. Furthermore, they say lands used for raising animals are lands that cannot be used for crop cultivation and that raising cattle is a benefit for the planet. Finally, people believe that we are meat eaters by nature and that meat contains …show more content…

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, some of the federal laws are Animal Welfare Act, Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, and Twenty-Eight Hour Law. Animal Welfare Act regulates the treatment of animals in exhibition, transport, research, and by dealers. The second act requires the proper treatment of all food animals slaughtered, and one of the requirements is to have animals completely sedated and insensible to pain. Finally, the latter act requires that animals transported in a rail, express or common carrier should not be confined for more than 28 hours without unloading the animals for feeding, water, and rest. All these and other laws along with the idea that animals grow up freely in an excellent atmosphere are the arguments people have regarding the protection that animals received in farms (Animal Welfare Information

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