
Media Affects Students

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How social media can affect high school students

Social media can have both negative affects and positive affects on teenagers usually when you think about the impSierra Chapman acts social media has on teenagers teeneagers, the negative impacts out weigh the positives but research will determine just how much social media affects social media affects high school students in both negative and positive ways.
In today's generation there is this big attachment to social media and digital devices from teens, and in their opinion social media has made a negative impact on their lives. Teenagers today look to social media as an outlet to express themselves and from my personal experience, as a way to connect with their friends or to even keep in touch with my family members who may not live in the same area. This also forms a repetitive action of continuing to use social media which is what makes it so important to teens because in our minds- there really isn't another way to communicate with others- other than social media.
Nowadays when you think about social media and how teens use it you think of it in a negative way while on the other hand teens “paint a positive picture” of social media. In an article for the Washington post, journalist Cecilia Kang explains how teens really feel about social media. According to Kang a national study of more than a thousand young people debunks the popular idea that social media is harmful to teens and while the study showed that most students did not agree that social media was a bad thing some teens felt that they would like to unplug sometimes or go back to a time when facebook did not exist .
There is a wide spread of negative impacts social media can have on teenagers, from bullying to the constant use and in some cases, the way it can affect a teens confidence or even their everyday routines. Social media is now becoming a type of ranking system which gets students worrying about how many followers they have on instagram , friends on facebook , how many likes they get on their posts and even the streaks they have on snapchat, and depending on what those factors look like, it where you land on the totem pole Rachel Brown writes about how social media is now used by

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