
Media Does NOT Control Society Essay examples

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Does media control us, or do we control media? "Sex, Lies and Advertising," was an essay written by the founder of Ms. Magazine, Gloria Steinem, explaining the difficulties in interesting advertisers for a women's magazine like hers. She talks about the advertising world seeing women's magazines as only "cash cows" and all the articles are surrounding hair, makeup, nails, or some other superficial thing that relates to Cover Girl, Revlon, Clairol, or Olay. According to Ms. Steinem, what we pick up from the newsstand or have delivered in our mail every month is all "fluff" because of such advertisers. "Oh, women's magazines... everyone knows they're just catalogs" (Steinam 275). In the movie, "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days" a …show more content…

People fear what they do not know, and people can be are very prejudice about things that are not them selves, especially when it is a religious sin and a social taboo.

Second on my list of articles I would have rather not read is "Who Rules America?" an article about the overwhelmingly Jewish control over media in this country. I almost wonder if this was written as a hoax, because it is utterly preposterous. We live in a nation of freedoms, of racial, gender, religious and for the most part, age equalities. Who cares that predominantly Jewish people run the media? Has anyone complained that most of the Presidents of the United States have been Protestant? No, in fact when JFK took the job it was a shock that he was a Roman Catholic. So in my point of view, I don't care what religion you are as long as you're moral, honest, and care about other people. And that is something found in all religions.

"Television: The Plug in Drug," "Giving Saturday Morning some Slack," and "Violence on Television" all deal with the harmful effects of watching T.V., be it in defense of T.V., or attacking it. Television has become a lifeline for American culture. Even now, when I am trying to write an intelligible paper on the effects of media, the T.V. is

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