
Media Impact On Social Media

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There have always been waves of anxiety surrounding changes in media technology. In the 19th century, cheap newsprint and improved presses enabled partisan newspapers to dramatically expand their reach, leading many to argue how this compromised the effectiveness of the press as a check on power (Kaplan 2002). In the 20th century, as radio and television gained popularity, observers became anxious that these new platforms would reduce policy debates to sound bites and concentrate power in the hands of a few large corporations (Lang and Lang 2002). More recently, social media has become the focus of concern. Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, have dramatically different structures compared to previous media technologies and users can share content with no significant third party filtering, fact-checking, or editorial judgment. Anyone can create and share what they like and in some cases reach as many or more readers as mainstream media sources (Allcott and Gentzcow 2017). After the American presidential election in 2016, a specific concern has been the effect of false stories and so called “fake news” circulated on social media.
“fake news” and “post-truth” are very current. Only widely been in use since trump’s presidency and Brexit, perhaps show graphs? Lots of concern around this, particularly from the media.
Donald Trump is an obvious example of the effects of mis- and disinformation in the post-truth era. During his campaign many stories were

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