
Media Is A Dumping Ground For Horrible Information

Satisfactory Essays

BREAKING NEWS! Today’s media is a dumping ground for terrible information. We live in a society where news is available everywhere and anything can become news in the matter of an instant. Whether it is the latest shark attack on the coast of North Carolina, a celebration of equality, or the following of presidential candidates, all of the information is available at the push of a button. This rapid sharing of information can easily become very unreliable. In addition, the vast number of news and/or media outlets can share the exact same story without ever disclosing the same information. The ease of gathering information is immediately tarnished with the knowledge that what is being revealed is typically only a small piece of what the actual story is. Unfortunately, gathering information on the latest headlines is usually cut short well before one can fully understand the true story. Although great in theory, the validity of mass media is cut short with the abundance of problems that arise when presenting the latest stories. As a result of highly differentiated media outlets, a strong bias may be formed within a source. Bias is one of the biggest problems in the delivery of information to the general public. Although not necessarily bad, this cannot only question the reliability of the article, but the source as a whole. According to Tim Groseclose and Jeffrey Milyo, who conducted research on media bias, “the definition [of bias] has nothing to do with honesty or accuracy

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