
Medical Condition Research Paper

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What is a medical condition? A medical condition falls into three or more categories, the most common one is disease. For example, Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that you will always have once you are diagnosed with it. When you have a disease now, you go for treatment. But when there was no treatments for diseases they just let you die on a bed or during the aztecs they ripped your hearts outs. Then decorated the ancient temples with the human blood. Now with diseases as I said you can go get treatment like you can get prescriptions go to group therapy and have special doctors. For treatment for people who do not already have diseases you can get injections for your body, so you are allowing small dosages of the disease. So if you do get the disease later on your …show more content…

Most people who had tragic accident usually have some brain damage. When you are born with a mental or physical disorder your brain will not entirly be fully developed. Some times when you are born some parts of your brain are shut off and never come back on. Like when you have memory loss, your frontlobe holds all the long term and short term memories. As for when you have a physical disorder either your brain just doesn’t allow a part or limb of your body to work properly. For example, spina bifidia is a physical disorder that doesn’t allow you to walk, so the lower section in your back doesn’t allow your legs to work with the movent of your back. The final category that I’m gonna talk about is Illness. Illness is either a disease or you are temporarlly sick, also the sickness will pass with in a week or a couple of days. There is a few very common illnesses that we get. For example, every year the chinease oranges come around christmas time as a tradition. There are things we are not used to, but you think we should be by now. Because every year they come people seem to get sick or getthe

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