
Medication Costs And Adherence Of Treatment Before And After The Affordable Care Act Essay

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Saving money is another benefit of the ACA and allows it to be successful. Many families struggle with how they will afford a medication fulfillment without insurance; prescription drugs are expensive with health insurance, but are even more so without insurance. In the article, “Medication Costs and Adherence of Treatment Before and After the Affordable Care Act: 1999-2015” written by Jae Kennedy, PhD. and Elizabeth Geneva Wood, MHPA., discusses percentages of the population that failed to take medication due to being unable to afford it. The percentage rates changed for each age group, but the overall rates were all centralized between children of age 2 and all the way up to seniors. Dr. Jae Kennedy and Elizabeth Geneva Wood state, with regard to the portion of the population two years and older, “These rates peaked in 2009, at 8.3% of the population and dropped to 5.2% by 2015” (Kennedy and Wood 1). After the ACA was enacted, more people were able to get health insurance and not worry about the cost of medication. The percentage of people not getting medication dropped three percent; that may not sound like to many, but with the hundreds of thousands of people living in the United States and coming from all walks of life; having health insurance cover medication cost is a huge blessing. Seniors especially, have been impacted immensely with the enactment of the ACA. The elderly are now able to afford the essentials for life (i.e. food, utilities, shelter), instead of

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