In the article, In Defense of the Animals, the author Meg Greenfield discusses why animal rights activists’ fight for the protection of animals. Society has become numb to the brutality, pain and suffering caused to animals in pointless acts. Brutality such as clubbing baby seals to death for their skins, raising animals for food in dismal conditions and conducting scientific studies on animals for the cosmetic industries profit are unnecessary. Even when scientific experiments on animals are to find medical cures for the human race, they are practiced in uncaring methods usually ending in animals being euthanized. Animal rights activists who speak for the protection of animals has gone to the extreme by trying to stop all cure related experiments
The idea of animal rights has been around for centuries. Even decades ago, people were taking action for the welfare of animals. Marc Bekoff and Ned Hettinger share this idea all the way back in 1994 when they said that there is evidence that scientist are concerned with animal welfare by acknowledge that they use the guidelines in place to protect animals during research, in order to have their work published (Bekoff 219). Guidelines are the basis for the moral and ethical treatment of animals. Each person may have his or her own standard, but having a standard among the entire population ensures the welfare of the animals. Unfortunately, these standards are not at a level to where the animals are being protected. Many animals in captivity are treated in ways that would shock the average person. Orcas for example, are starved until they do the desired task (Cowperthwaite). This form of operant condition can lead to success, but often leads to resentment and hostility towards the trainers.
Positive or Negative Leadership example (briefly describe and give relevant page numbers): On Page 102 SSgt. Bellavia is preparing for the ramp to drop and begin to move on foot towards Fallujah and notices Ruiz is beginning to act nervous. He begins to ask what he should be doing however he is still extremely nervous so SSgt. Bellavia begin to attempt to calm him down buy joking with him about switching jobs.
The abuse of Animals is increasing around the world, for personal and recreational uses. Animals are used in ancient and modern medicine to cure different types of illnesses and diseases. Animals are also being used for testing different types of hygiene products; which leave many of them are left scarred for life, while others are left to die in a cage. Animal rights groups around the world are working around the clock trying to stop this abuse, groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), and Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). Are working around the clock to make sure such practices stop. This paper will demonstrate how modern liberals view animal rights, and how animals are viewed within society.
The Christian view of capital punishment is believed that Jesus requires them to oppose capital punishment. Many Christians believe and argue that God commanded "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 21:13), and that this is a clear instruction with no exceptions that Christians should not support the death penalty. Mistreatment and torture of individuals by governments for any purpose violates Christian instruction and must be condemned by Christians and churches where and when it occurs. God intends for life to be fixed.
When discussing the issues faced from an ethical standpoint of animal rights it is important to consider the benefits animals bring to people and then question what rights animals are entitled to due to this (Fisher). Taking that into account, one must ask if giving them rights could possibly overstep on human rights and would animals even be able to enjoy rights (Fisher). It is often debated that the benefits and knowledge through experimentation of animals have led to life-saving advancements in the field of science and medicine (Fisher). The other side of the debate argues that even if these past benefits are justified, these type of experiments are no longer necessary and it is deemed unacceptable that wrongful treatment of animals is done for this purpose (Fisher). When it comes to the question of
Animals are found throughout lives of humans. As companions, entertainment, test subjects and food, animals serve vital roles throughout our lives.The Animal Bill of Rights, through the Animal Legal Defense Fund, attempts to defend the basic legal rights of all animals. However, to weigh the need for such an act, one must compare the suffering of animals to the benefits such suffering gives to humankind. It’s much more important to highlight the crucial medical advances that lab animals have provided over the injustices they may suffer, but this suffering can not and should not be ignored. It is with measure that we do not enact a bill of rights for animals, however we bring new awareness of animal research and the ethical treatment of all
The Animal Rights movement has become a household name for many families. Whether it is from television, news, or firsthand experience, most people are familiar with the Animal Rights movement and their many different goals. It is important to keep in mind that the Animal Rights movement has many different goals in which they are set on achieving. There are many misconceptions when it comes to the Animal Rights movement and the most important would be that many don’t know the difference between animal rights and animal welfare activists. Animal Right’s activists are aiming to see animals treated equal to humans, based on recent studies that have concluded they have similar psychological and physical responses to discomfort, pain, and stress. Animal welfare activists aim more or less to ensure the just and humane treatment of animals, whether they are wild,
Today the world is made up of many groups fighting for the same basic right: equality.Yet, the ones who are unable to voice their opinions or speak their minds are left in the dust and at the whim of others opinions. Millions of animals all around the world are being neglected, tortured, abused, and all for the benefits of the human kind. However, there are individuals and organizations who are determined to make a change for these helpless animals such as: Peta, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Food Empowerment Project, and the list continues. Although, these animal activist groups are breaking boundaries that have never been broken before, there is still an argument for animal cruelty. The fight for animal equality is no different than the fights amongst our own kind. Nevertheless, many
“Misleading experiments and squandering precious money, time, and resources that could have been spent on humane-relevant research” (“Top 5 Reasons To Stop Animal Testing”). And it’s true we waste so much money on things that are so irrelevant and we kill an animal and the test fail anyway. Scientist should just find another way to test things and leave animals alone. “The world doesn’t need another eyeliner, hand soap, food ingredient, or shampoo” (“Top Five Reasons To Stop Animal Cruelty”). Animals should have rights and they shouldn’t be killed all the time. They shouldn’t have to suffer or live in fear. Animals should be free and live in their natural habitat and be left alone. They don’t have to be afraid of us. Animal testing is a waste of time and money. Animals should have as much rights as us humans. Why should an animal's life be worth less than us? I bet if you we all saw how they are actually tested and treated this animals we would feel different about this situation. We all need to see how they really test these animals and how they suffer just because of
In our world, protests occur each day on the issues of animal cruelty and human rights, but when the issues are put together which will reign over the other? The author Peter Singer of “All Animals are Equal” and “Tools for Research” presents his argument for determining when animal experiments are justified. The author starts his paper with a counter argument, questioning if one would be willing to let thousands of people die if those people could be saved by experimentation on a single animal. The answer is a unanimous no; in our culture we value human life over everything else. The author follows by asking the reader if they would be prepared to carry out their experiments on humans who are mentally retarded or orphaned babies, if that
Animals love attention; yes, humans do give animals attention, but they end up slaughtering them. Where do you think that crispy, mouth watering bacon from this morning's breakfast came from? Where do you think that grilled, well-done beef patty came from? It is certain that humans are not being slaughtered and eaten. Yes, animals are eaten for a human's protein, but why aren’t animals eating humans for protein? It is sure that there should be some kind of alternative for people to consume protein. “On today’s factory farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds and stuffed into wire cages, metal crates, and other torturous devices” (Peta 1). If one does not think that the idea of torturing a sweet, innocent animal is erroneous, than by all means, stop reading now. Tormentation includes: small spaces, antibiotics, the process of genetically manipulating, poor care (throwing, beating), etc. Animals should have the right to have an animals Bill of Rights to protect their rights as being animals. “The Animal Bill of Rights encourages representatives to pass legislation that protects animals and gives them the rights they deserve” (Molider 1). Animals are living, therefore they deserve rights. Every living thing should have the right to everything. Putting the information about the
Each side of the animal rights debate have many legitimate points for their argument. Supporters of animal testing believe that it helps the development of many life-saving treatments for animals and humans, there is no alternative approach because they are similar to human beings and rigorous regulations prevent exploitation of animals in laboratories. Opponents of animal testing believe that it cruel and inhumane to experiment on animals, there are other approaches available to researchers, animal tests don’t predict the results on humans and that animals have tests forced upon them, with no choice. Although it is an expensive way of testing and at the same time, it is cruel and inhumane, animal testing brings more medical advancement to
Scientists inhumanely sabotage animal lives and coerce them to live in unbearable conditions in order to conduct “accurate” results that can be used on people. Additionally, corporations are becoming corrupt because they fear that they will lose money once consumers learn about the pernicious procedures that go behind making their products. Despite the necessity for treatments and products, animal rights activists have fought continuously to preserve animal independence by exposing research facilities and advocating protests that have urged many corporations to consider producing animal-cruelty free products. It is important that individuals acknowledge that scientists and researchers are harming and endangering animal species by conducting unjust and inhumane experiments on these innocent creatures. Therefore, limiting the ways scientists test on animals will not only protect animal rights, but it will enhance human companionship. Ending animal abuse in research will create an effective social, political, economic, and cultural advancement that will improve moral significance among humans.
Animal experimentation is one of the most unnoticed cruelty. This involves animals being tested for products, surgeries, or any other experiment that involves humans. Disturbingly, “By buying or using the products from companies who test on animals, people are supporting the cruelty”(“Animal”, animal-rights-action). Experimenting on animals can cause sickness or even death to the
Children are being babied way too much. Children are becoming extremely spoiled; to the point of no return. An end needs to be put to this before an inevitable catastrophe occurs! If ever given the chance, it is quite frightening to think about where this generations kids will stand a few years from now, is it not? Something needs to be done.