
Melbourne Declaration

Decent Essays

Within the umbrella of education and rise of federal government, the Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA) developed a new shift in name and introduced the Melbourne Declaration. The Melbourne Declaration (2008) fabricates previous documents, the Hobart Declaration (1989) and the Adelaide Declaration (1999), embracing a key national protocol for education and served as a statement of unified purpose (Bryne, 2008). The new and earlier Declarations held considerable differences, as previous documents held brief statements focussing on outcomes for learners while the Melbourne Declaration comprises specifically detailed commitments on particular aspects of education, such as the curriculum, …show more content…

First, one of the three aims of Adelaide Declaration included schooling to be socially just (Reid, 2010). This objective does not appear in the Melbourne Declaration. While numerous goals under the social justice and schooling in the Adelaide Declaration are continued, the exclusion of this goal is symbolic of the overall weakness to equity in education in the Melbourne …show more content…

It fails to specify whether it indicates to the school outcomes or the provision of inputs to the school’s learning process. Equity in access to education can be understood as providing opportunities to learn without reference to outcomes (Reid, 2010). Hence, that would mean that if students fail to obtain school success they are assumed to have failed in acquiring opportunities and is attributed to their lack of motivation or talent. Therefore, students who fail to achieve would be judged as incapable of succeeding. Equity in access does not entail any level of achievement for students or the removal of achievement gaps between poor and rich, or between Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners. Stress on equity of access as an education commitment fails to challenge the significant social and educational inequalities (Barr,

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