
Men During The Renaissance

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The Renaissance was a time of change for all. Through this era, the world was revolutionized. Religion, art, engineering, science, and many more subjects of our study would never be the same. Art and beauty flourished the world. Philosophers created new ideas never thought of before. Engineers and architects made structures unfeasible to all. Many great and inspirational men made this all possible. Men such as Donatello, Wolfgang Mozart, Christopher Columbus, and Martin Luther. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are two of such men who epitomize the Renaissance era. But in being men of great fame, it's easy for many rumors to sprout up from their fame. One of which claims that these two were great rivals, that built a considerable dislike for …show more content…

Both men lived lives full of art, intrigue, and philosophy, devoting themselves to the betterment of mankind. Doctors, engineers, poets, architects, and artists alike have all drawn inspiration from these Renaissance men. While many today will simply call them artists, I believe they were much more than that. Men of conviction, honor, and dignity that always challenged the best from themselves. As men, though, they suffered from weaknesses that many others have fallen to. Leonardo had a poor attention span, and often would put off a project to work on other things. Michelangelo was known to have a short temper, and would become extremely aggressive any time he was tested. Sometimes we like to look past the weakness of those we look up to, as a way of making them out to be a god. To do this only taints the legacy of men like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. As strong minded people, they both understood their own humanity and weaknesses, and used these weaknesses to propel themselves forward. Leonardo though unable to stick to a project, always wrote down any ideas he had, knowing that they could be used for more than just blank space. Michelangelo concentrated his aggression to always finish his projects, and do so to the best of his ability without flaw. They never let their weaknesses stand in their way to greatness. Nowadays, we can take more inspiration from them than just their art and inventions. We can continue to live like they did, never letting a weakness stop us from reaching our goals, but using that weakness. Using something meant to cause us to stumble, and creating something else out of it. Creating something absolutely beautiful, and new to this

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