
Mental Illness And Mental Health

Satisfactory Essays

Mental Illness. Lots of times when we hear these words people assume that there is something critically wrong with that person. Sometimes there is but most people who struggle with a mental illness or disorder are everyday people that you pass on the street. Just because they have a mental Issue does not necessarily mean that they are much different than you or me. In fact if an individual is being treated for his or her mental illness it can be difficult to recognize that they even have one. There are many different types of treatments for the many different types of illnesses and disorders and each person has their own type of treatment that works for them. Although medication can help manage mental health there are so many other ways to …show more content…

Sometimes though the patient can remain at home and does not need to be hospitalized. These patients are usually medicated. Medication is most often used when any individual is diagnosed with a mental illness. Medication does not cure the mental illness it just helps manage it. Antidepressants are used to treat depression and anxiety. Anxiety is managed with anti-anxiety medications. Mood stabilizing medications are mostly used for bipolar disorder or used with an antidepressant to manage depression. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and many other mental illnesses are also treated with antipsychotic medications. Case managment plans are coordinated services for a certain individual with a case manager. A case manager is a trained professional to help guide you through your plan to a healthy recovery. A case manager helps assess, plan and implement a number of strategies to help you recover. If you have a case manager you have to be willing to compromise and work with him or her. This takes a certain level of stability and maturity to be able to do so. A case manager is not helpful to every person. The plan that he or she is making for you is designed specifically for your unique problem, no two people will have the same exact recovery plan. Case management helps you participate in your own care. You and your manager are working

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