
Mental Illness In College Students

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Causes of mental Illness in College Students
Mental health of young adults plays a key role in shaping one's life, social relationships, career and ultimately a country's economy. Mental illness also known as psychotic disorder or mental disorder is a health condition that causes changes in behavior and thinking. It can also cause significant distress. According to the NUS poll, In a poll of 1093 students 78% said they experienced mental health issues Mental illness is extremely important when it comes to college students, the reason why is because it has a negative effect for example eating and sleeping patterns, isolation, interactions with others during the day and it also has a negative effect on academic performance …show more content…

Stress is a leading cause of depression and teenagers in school experience stress daily. Stress levels in students are tremendous, students juggle a thousand things between class, work and extracurricular activities. It is extremely important for students to understand how to manage and decease their stress to lead happy and healthier lives. According to survey conducted by students, stress is the biggest issue that affects their studies. Stress is something that all college students deal with. College prepares students for the real world which comes with stress. According to National Alliance on Mental Illness, 40 million US adults suffer from an anxiety disorder and 75% of those occurs before the age of 22 What is causing college students the most stress? According to statistics, 34% of people experience stress due to school and or work. This means that, 8 in 10 college students frequently experience stress in their daily lives an example of stress college students face is academic stress teenagers face in school. In college, teenagers are bombarded with a ton of work which can be overwhelming and stressful. Teenagers experience a prominent level of stress when maintaining a high G.P.A, studying for final week, and submitting homework before the deadline. Another example of stress college students face is financial stress. Students may be stressed about figuring a way to pay for college. Stress can lead to depression, anxiety, …show more content…

Studies has also shown depression leads to other mental illness. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. College Depression is a depression that begins during college. College students faces challenges, pressures and anxieties that can cause students too feel overwhelmed. Depression is a significant perennial problem among college students; other mental disorders, such as anxiety, also present common, significant health and educational risk factors on college and university campuses (Chung et al., 2011). In college students have more freedom to make decisions and solve problems on their own. For many students this may be a problem because many may be used to getting help from family and friends. Studies have shown that at any given institution 25 to 33 percent of college students suffer from depression. Known comorbidities with depression include psychiatric disorders, such as substance abuse, and past suicide ideation and behavior; family factors and other life stressors of adolescence compound the challenges for at-risk youth (Skinner & McFaull, 2012). In conclusion Depression is a serious mental illness college students

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