
Mentoring Case Study Report: Pork Chop Epic The Greatest

Satisfactory Essays

Mentoring Case Study Report One day while watching a group of middle age adolescents play basketball on the neighborhood court I came across a kid then referred to as Pork Chop Epic the Greatest. Pork Chop Epic the Greatest was a fourteen-year-old interracial male about 5’11 in height and maybe little under 170 pounds with glasses. When I first approached Pork Chop, he sat on a bench off to the side watching the other children play he did not interact socially with the children. As the other children would play, he would make remarks but not loud enough for the other children to hear him. Just ask I thought to believe that Pork Chop Epic the Greatest was shy I realized that this was not the case especially since he took the opportunity to introduce me as “grandma” before I even had the chance to introduce myself. However, despite our first initial …show more content…

He became more open to talking and was more interested in the purpose of the project which also helped to answer a lot of questions he wanted to ask. While mentoring him, and researching the topic for my adolescent research project he become interested and helped me to gather some of the data that I used in my project. I was also able to help him with his science homework. I believe that this case study was a benefit to him because he could open to someone which was something that he had a hard time doing before. As the visiting progressed he could go out and talk to the other children and eventually he became comfortable enough to go out and join the basketball teams. Towards the end of our meetings Pork Chop Epic the Greatest’s mom was amazed to see the improvements that he had made from a quiet child to more of an outspoken individual. He was also able to make friends from the neighborhood who later begun to hang out with him at home to play video games and football which was is most favorite

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