Baseball owns the top honor of being america's original pastime. Dating back to the late 1800s. Which makes it the oldest organized sport in the country. There is something just so American about heading to the ballpark on a hot summer night, more than any professional sport. But what I think separates baseball from any other sport is its ability to relate to life.
The reason why I Believe that baseball is the perfect metaphor of life is because the best achievers in the game fail, a lot. The best hitters have a batting average of 300, which means that they only complete their goal 3 out of 10 times. And in order for them to do their jobs they have to be prepared to fail 70 percent of the time. But they don't get discouraged by those odds.
Based on the answer we collected, everyone in the focus group agreed that baseball is a sport that people grew up with and it has a lot to do with the tradition and history, and that is the
Do you like sports? If you said yes, what is your favorite sport. Today I’m going to do tell you why baseball (A.K.A “America's Sport) is the best sport ever played. And hopefully you will agree by the time this essay is over.
To add on, baseball has become America’s National Pastime, but the answer is, why? For example, America has flourished under the sport. Generations of families have continually grown up playing baseball, just for the love of the game. Baseball has survived countless economic endeavors and national hardships. Also, baseball is the best sport to watch at the venue because it is a relaxing time to enjoy yourself and the game is easy to follow. To add on, there are great traditions in the game, such as a great songs dedicated to the legacy like, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” for the 7th inning stretch, the All-Star game experience, etc. Another example, is that there was always equal opportunity. In a way, baseball is everything America stands
More than 11.5 million people play baseball at some level in the United States. ( Another sport that is played by millions of people in other countries that is similar to baseball is called cricket. Both sports are loved around the world, yet they are quite different. Baseball is better and more fun than cricket for the following reasons.
Some would say baseball and softball are the same but these two sports, although, they are very much alike, they have very distinct differences. They each have their very own traits that make them unique. Both baseball and softball are very competitive sports that the players take very seriously and are equally very entertaining to watch. Did you know that baseball is considered to be America’s favorite pastime? If you’re ready, let us dive in and find out what makes baseball and softball so unique.
According to the article, “Quotations About Baseball” (2017), Bill Veeck stated, “That’s the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat on a ball.” See what’s crazy is this quote can apply to so much. As everyone loves when springtime rolls around, avid sport lovers are eager for spring athletics. Known as America’s pastime, baseball has been loved amongst the country since its creation in 1836. According to the chart, “Top 10 List of the World’s Most Popular Sports” (2017), lists baseball as number seven and boasts a whopping “five hundred million fans”. Being an average American, I notice how Americans close their mind to their beloved spring athletics. Past the ocean borders beholds land with totally different cultures. Where America has baseball, Asia, Australia, and the United Kingdom all turn their eyes toward a sport that originated in 1877, cricket. “Top 10 List of the World’s Most Popular Sports” (2017) lists cricket as the second most popular sport in the world entrancing over “2.5 billion fans”. While baseball is so popular in the United States, cricket rules the eastern hemisphere with five times the number of fans. The two sports are similar and different on multiple aspects, an argument definitely arises when discussing the difficulty between the two. Each sport has their own attributes to declare better or more challenging than the other. I believe it’s all a matter of opinion, facts, and experience, but
Baseball has been around America for a very long time, and it is very popular. Baseball has been a tradition for many American families. Some people like to watch Major League Baseball on TV in their homes while other get together with family, friends, and businesses and start their own teams and play against each other. But why do many call baseball a tradition? Maybe it’s because baseball has been around for a very long time and lots of people invest their lives in this game. And it’s just more than hitting a ball and running around a diamond. There are also trading cards, the Baseball Hall of Fame, fantasy baseball. Lots of people like to support their favorite teams, but people almost always get into a fight about who's better. Like the Mets and the Yankees, they’re two New York teams, and New York is a big place.
Softball vs. Baseball “Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world” (Ruth, n.d). While many people agree with Babe Ruth on that opinion, softball is also quickly becoming an American favorite. Not only has softball been added to the Olympic games, but college softball has also become popular.
A professional baseball player once said that “ its a round ball and a round bat and you got to hit it square”. This is one of the reasons that baseball is a not just the best sport it is the hardest. Although some people believe that football is the best sport the reality is that baseball is the best sport that is around today. There are way more games in baseball than any other sport. In bleacher reports article their they say that their are 162 baseball games in one season and that is 6 months of baseball the NBA is 82 games a season and the NFL is only 16 games a season.
Baseball is a game of skill that is played with a hard ball and a bat between two teams of nine players each at a time on the playing field at once. Although many different people play Baseball all over the world it is most popular in the United States. It is so popular in fact, it is referred to as the national pastime of the United States because of the tradition and popularity associated with the game. Baseball consists of many complicated rules. It also has a very elaborate history. One can not fully understand the game America has grown to love until learning about not only the rules but also the history.
In American culture today we use a wide variety of metaphors to describe different situations. Today, I am going to focus on how we commonly use the sport of baseball metaphorically in our daily conversations. The reason I am choosing baseball is because, it is America’s past time, a game that has been around since the Eighteenth century, and one that has great influence on American culture.
The other day, I was checking my mail and I came across a card addressed to me from Milrich Associates. It was a card wishing me a happy one-year anniversary since joining the team. The card thanked me for being “part of our team”, and in the card, Melanie Koerperich wrote: “It’s been a whole year already!” To me, it doesn’t seem like it, but it has.
The Mentality of Baseball I’ve noticed that every year of baseball, the mind set of each player must at least be any time before the acquired date of practice. In my sense, baseball is the greatest sport to be adequate in every aspect of life. To build the loyal character I want, the game of baseball will in fact; be the more efficient way to adapt to life ahead. Many people may understand the difficulty of the game, till the realization occurs; it’s all focused on mentality. Off-season is the time for the greater goods to come out of me; it’s the time to express my feelings through hard work, dedication, and character.
Worldwide, sports celebrities like Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Lebron James and the like, would lead a lot of people to think that basketball is the premiere sport in the US. Well, that is an incorrect impression. Baseball is the number one sport in the US, and Major League Baseball (MLB) is considered to be American professional baseball's highest level of play.
Lets take a look into why I believe that baseball has not only followed in the footsteps our “Great Country”, but is still “America’s Pastime.” Ask yourself, “is baseball our country’s sport, has it not evolved with our great nation?” The answer is yes, for many reasons. Lets take a look back in history, “President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared, ‘that all persons held as slaves’ within the rebellious states ‘are, and henceforward shall be free.’ Despite this expansive wording, the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It applied only to states that had seceded from the Union, leaving slavery untouched