
Metaphors In Wilson's Fences

Decent Essays

In Wilson’s Fences, the metaphor of baseball, as it pertains to Troy Maxson’s life, contributes to the theme that life is a game where each decision you make as the player affects the future of your dreams and aspirations.

Maxson utilizes his love and knowledge of baseball as well as the past struggles he has endured through baseball to make sense of difficult situations around him. Troy uses the metaphor of “strikes” to emphasis how mistakes limit your abilities. Troy uses the concept of “strikes” as mistakes with his son Cory. Cory’s strikes start to add quickly, and then they begin to place boundaries around Cory. Troy gives Cory strike 1 by not allowing Cory to play college football because of Cory lying to him about having a job.Cory’s second strike came when defending his mother from Troy. And finally the tipping point of Cory’s rage against his father came when Cory attempted to walk into the house without saying “excuse me” to Troy because “[Troy] don’t count around her …show more content…

Troy explains “ Rose, I bunted when I found you and Cory and a halfway decent job...I was safe...Then when I saw that gal [Alberta]...she firmed up my backbone. And I got to thinking that if I tried...I just might be able to steal second. Do you understand I wanted to steal second after eighteen years ” Bunting was a slight risk that paid off for Troy, he has a loving wife and son with a steady Job. If you steal a base you are either safe or out. Troy takes a risk by stealing second. As a result of the choice he made, he splits his family and ruins his relationship with his son, in addition to losing his mistress to childbirth. As Troy describes his decision in baseball terms, life is game made up of choices that lead to winning or losing. Troy takes a risk by trying to “steal second” and loses everything. Though Troy was counting Cory’s strikes, he was living with an 0-2 count and he struck

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