than Americans do. In addition, the authors found cultural differences and cultural similarities among the U.S. Residents, Russians, and Lithuanians. For instance, for the U.S. interviewees friendship and comfort love are important features of romantic love. According to the authors, one of the main purpose of this journal article is to answer the question that romantic love is cultural universal or not based on the data collected from the participants (De Munck, Korotayev, De Munck, & Khaltourina, 2011, p. 27). Indeed, everyone has a different meaning of the term romantic love. Certainly, it is important for couples to talk to each other of ways to overcome any conflicts that may arise in a relationship. People who avoid conflicts by avoiding …show more content…
Generally, one of the partners always has a tendency to blame, criticize, or lack of comprehension towards his or her partner. Mutual communications in a relationship are important to avoid fighting with a partner. During conflicts, people usually argue without listening to their partner. Couples should learn more of ways to improve their listening skills. It is important during a conflict for couples to come up with a solution to the problem, instead of arguing of whose right. The better the person know about his or her partner’s culture the easier it is to understand the partner. A journal article, “Mexican American Adolescent Couples Communicating about Conflict” consisted of a study on how young adolescents’ communication issues affected their relationship. This study by Rueda and Williams (2016) studied a group of Mexican American adolescent couples and their relationship issues. These authors used different methods and techniques to prove in their study the communication patterns among these adolescents. For example, the authors used observation technique using videotaped to prove how couples interacted with one another (Rueda & Williams, 2016). The data collected in this study proves that a high number of individuals blamed or criticized their partner. Furthermore, the study discussed Mexican American adolescent couples also have the lack of understanding towards their …show more content…
Effective communication is very important in relationships because it will avoid problems in couples’ relationships. Men and women who are in a relationship should learn about his or her partner’s culture diversity such as food, beliefs, values, and language. Couples who are constantly fighting and arguing lack of communication skills. The couples who are continually fighting should learn how to communicate well and manage conflicts. Language usage is a communication style that is different in every culture. People who are in intercultural relationships usually use words and phrases that have a different meaning compare to his or her partner’s culture. It is important to find ways to solve an argument and understand how the partner is emotionally feeling. Someone who listens with the intent to understand uses a positive strategy to avoid an argument. Lack of trust is another issue intercultural relationships tend to have. Trust in relationships is important because it will enrich the love in couples’ relationships. Intercultural couples should respect each other differences and work together in their
Different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate due to of a lack of understanding or knowledge of one another’s background and culture. This could be through their race, religion, ethnicity or where they come from. Each one of these can have similar or very different ways to communicate. For example
This book provides more insight on how communication is a tool you need to work on constantly to achieve happiness in your marriage. Communicating and listening to your partner will show that love, respect towards them, and help solve conflicts that will occur.
Thereafter, basic theories and concepts regarding gender, romantic love and family are briefly discussed. The theoretical part of the thesis ends with the formulation of the core hypothesis:
(1972) proposed the existence of what they define as “the Romeo and Juliet effect”, which is the intensification of romantic love as a result of parental interference specifically, differentiating it from the misattribution theory of arousal. This effect, if it is possible to be generalized cross-culturally, can provide explanations to differences in the occurrence of love in relationships of different cultures. However, parental interference also has other effects on the relationship such as “decreased trust, increased criticalness, and increased frequency of negative, bothersome behaviors” that are paradoxical the Romeo and Juliet effect (Driscoll et al., 1972). This suggests that although there might be an intensification of feelings of love, if the interference is not resolved it is likely to weaken the overall relationship. This is echoed in the study by Yahya and Boag (2014).
Love is thus expressed in a cultural context and those who are not in the frame can feel pressures from their respective cultures to not reveal their love (affairs, homosexual relationships). Looking at cohabitation, using statistical researches, it has been showed that the frequency of cohabitation is higher in young couples than old ones, demonstrating a change over time in the cultural way of seeing it.
To understand the motives behind marriage between Japanese individuals it is best to understand their attitudes toward romantic love (Simmons, Vom Kolke and Shimizu, 1896). Simmons, Vom Kolke and Shimizu conducted a study involving Unmarried University students from Japanese, German, and American descent. Theses participants were tested using the “Hobard Scale of Romanticism and the Attitudes Towards Love Scale”, where participants either agreed or disagreed with the responses given (Simmons, Vom Kolke and Shimizu, 1896). After completing the tests results showed that Romantic Love, was less valued within the Japanese individuals, than the German and American individuals. German subjects reported a high value on romantic love, and showed a true passion for the idea that “love will last forever” (Simmons, Vom Kolke and Shimizu, 1896). German subjects show a great difference from Japanese subjects in their high importance of romantic love and the relationship two people form together naturally out of pure connection. Simmons, Vom Kolke and Shimizu (1896) claim, “They differed from the other samples in agreeing that the institution of marriage may result in disillusionment, but were nonetheless stronger in their belief that true love lasts forever”. Although Japanese subjects do believe in the ideas that love lasts forever, they differ in their idea that marriage may not be as great as others believe it to be. Japanese subjects acknowledge the pessimistic view that even though
Interpersonal conflict can arise in couples that are from very different racial and cultural backgrounds. Each culture/race is unique and have there own customs and traditions that individuals grow up with. Individuals have a need to categorize and tend to associate their judgments based on these categories that are made. Stereotypes and biases formed can increase interpersonal conflict in the couple’s relationship. Implicit biases can play a role in this couples relationship. Individuals tend to favor their own in-group. The couple can be facing the same problem. Both may not want to change the way they think and want to follow the customs that they are familiar with. They might not agree to some of the traditions or viewpoints that the others
Love between man and woman is the precious one of human that people must spend a lot of time and effort to seek. However, there is a perceptive difference of love between Western culture and Eastern culture. Westerners find out freedom and satisfaction in love and marriage is a great importance of their life, therefore they often cohabitate to learn about their partners carefully to get a
When one looks at romantic love, one would conclude that it is a social dyad that brings about certain responsibilities between two people in a relationship such as honesty, protection, openness and expressions of love. (William, 2008: 76). Contrasting with
This literature review will first define romantic relationships and explore what exactly happens in the development of these relationships. From the research found, individual’s age or sex did not necessarily affect the differences in communication. Some research claimed that communication itself defined a romantic relationship; while other researchers said that a couple having the conversation of, “what are we?” was enough to define the relationship. Sometimes it was mutuality in a relationship that helped define it. Mutuality in relationships was often increased with positivity and compliments between partners (Doohan and Manusov 2004).
Love is arguably one of the most overused words in the English vocabulary. People use love as a synonym for sexual desire, for expressing friendly care, or for appreciating inanimate objects. In a romantic date, for instance, one can say “I love you” to a beloved and, at the same time, say “I love this meal” in reference to the good food that was served. However, when it comes to love between two people, love or romance is a very powerful abstract force in human nature. It is also a controversial topic due to different interpretations of what romance is and should be, and the possible involvement of social standards that seek to define its parameters. To this end, this paper argues that romance is not primarily
It takes two individual to build a successful relationship. Relationships or marriage would be a success if the communications towards each other were strong. A strong and loving relationship is a source of great happiness in life. Unfortunately, a relationship that lacks communication can be a source of unhappiness. In addition, being in a relationship takes commitment, compromising and communication skills. Each individual has to share to each other their feelings and thoughts to know each other’s wants, and needs. Without shared understanding and lack of communication, the
According to the dictionary , the word “relationship” is defined a particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealing with each other. There are many times of ways to make a relationship last. According to the dictionary love is an intense feeling of deep affection. Love, trust, and communication are the three most important attributes in my eyes. Relationships between friends, family, and couples should be the lasting ones, and in this paper, I will Incorporate different theoretical perspectives , Discuss the role of social structure, government policy, and social inequality in love and romantic relationships and lastly analyze media presentations of families.
Humans have been communicating since four million years. On the other hand, the birth of culture is estimated to have taken place about 35,000 years ago. Today, both culture and communication have evolved considerably and have become interdependent of one another, to the point that communication is considered to be a product of culture. Thus, our own culture has a deep impact on our thoughts and behaviors. Since each culture has its distinct aspects, intercultural communication can be the cause of conflict and disorder. There are three main issues which are at the root of the problem of intercultural miscommunication : language as a barrier, cultural diversity and ethnocentrism. I will analyze
Ethnography is the scientific study of customs of individuals and their cultures. A subsegment of such study looks into the relationship between romantic love in regards to an individuals social status and structure. This class has so far covered a wide range of opinions on the topic of love and how it relates to culture, and when or if it has any connection to marriage, courtship, or child rearing. While many individuals argue that romantic love, for much of history, has been a byproduct of marriage, while in current society, if one is lucky enough to find ‘the one,’ love often proceeds marriage. “The Theoretical Importance of Love” by William J. Goode argues that the relationship of love to marriage is correlated with the ability to chose ones mate in the society and the degree to which husband-wife solidarity is the “strategic solidarity: of the social structure. Such claims can be evaluated with regards to other theories read so far in this class. In this paper, I will argue that Jankowiak’s “Romantic Passion,” Wolfe’s “Uterine Families,” and Wang’s “Eat a Bowl of Tea,” all confirm the love and duty are closely connected and is proven to be so by the themes addressed in these texts.