My personality is based on the events we go through, the places we have been and our interest in life. The events in our life whether they be tragedies or comedies creates how we see the world, which some people would say makes you positive or negative person. The second part that forms our personality is based on how familiar we are with the world outside ours. I believe that the more you have traveled and experienced different settings and lifestyles helps shape the needs and wants of our own life. Along with the Meyer’s Briggs Test depending on how we do task or what we prioritise decides what configures our hobbies. Depending on the hobbies we like shows whether we are an analyser, diplomat, sentinels or an explorer. Each part of my theory …show more content…
Based on the test I am an extraverted, sensing, feeler that perceives. From the four outcomes I feel the most strongly for the fact that I am an extroverted person because I love being around and meeting new people. I definitely did not think this was true until I was on Voyageurs this summer and we came across a fishing lodge. Even just a simple hello made me feel great. Out of my four results I feel I am more of an intuition than sensing, just because I tend to think about my future and how I would like for it to turn …show more content…
I am first born in my family which mean I should be cautious, controlling and an achiever. I do not see myself as any of these, in fact my brother fits this description more than me. I think I have more traits of an only child last born. In my opinion I feel the rolls would be flipped. The oldest is more of an attention seeker because they are use to having all the attention, they had to find friends rather that being born into having a friend making us outgoing and it is not like the oldest has never manipulated their younger siblings into thinking that they were adopted. The youngest is more cautious because they have seen the consequences the oldest has gotten from doing something bad, which would also make them the achiever of the family after seeing what their sibling have already done they have the chance to one up the
Our personality varies based our environment or situation and is subjected to change. As many may know, our personality tells us who we are as a person. It is a substantial role in our lives. Personality is the pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings.
Within the Jung Typology Test (JTT) it states that my type of personality is introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The results indicated I am an introvert over extrovert, the score showed 56%. There was a marginal or no preference to sensing over intuition at 1% for this result. Moderate preference to feeling over thinking at 25%, and a strong preference to judging over perceiving at 78%. So this is saying that I am an introverted sensing with extroverted feeling.
After taking the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator test, I have discovered that I have the ISTJ, The Logistician, personality type. First, as with other personality types, there are many strengths and weaknesses of having the ISTJ personality. ISTJs write best when using facts and data and struggle when developing personal thoughts and opinions. When looking over my previous essays, I noticed the best ones are either research papers or essays involving little commentary on the subject. Therefore, the test is right in that my best works are written concretely. Next, ISTJs can write close to the deadline of an assignment. This is true because I write best when I have the pressure of the assignment being due soon; thus, I come up with fake deadlines
Your perception and the way you look at things can reveal a lot about your personality. The way you listen to a song, look at a painting and a photo tells how you interpret things and that interpretation can be used for further understanding of your character and personality.
I would also consider myself an extroverted introvert. There are times when I want to be the main subject but also times when I would rather blend in with the crowd. When I make a decision I always attempt to think through every possibility before making an immediate decision. This is why I agree that I am intuitive.
I think more than I feel and am more prospecting than judging. Finally I am more turbulent than assertive which means I am not a confident or outgoing person. With my results and what it tells me I agree that this is my personality I have currently not found anything about it that I disagree with. I definitely agree on myself being more introverted because I never really like going out anywhere especially if there is going to be a lot of people.
The results of both tests were extremely accurate. The Briggs-Meyer test results were extravert, intuitive, feeling, judging or ENFJ. I am outgoing. I do use my instincts rather than just doing something. I tend to put others needs before my own, especially the needs of my daughter. I do have to judge and plan everything. The career choices based on the results of this test shows that a career in education, counseling or psychology are best suited for ENFJ personality types . This tells me that my path on becoming an educator is the right direction.
For this test, I got the above results. I have extroverted feeling. Although I do enjoy time alone, I really enjoy the company of others and surrounding myself with positive energy and people. I also have intense and personable relationships with others. For example, I value spending time with loved ones and friends that I feel connected to.
Burton, western & Kowaslki (2015) describes Personality as the enduring patterns of thought, feeling, motivation and behaviour that are expressed in different circumstances. In other words it can be defined as differences in characteristics in a person, including their way of thinking, likes, dislikes, sociability, openness, feelings and behaviour, which make them the person they are and differentiates them from others. All these traits when brought together is known to be the personality of that particular person.
Personality is looked at everyday purposely and accidently. Whether you are judging how your new professor for the semester will be, or if you are studying your best friend for a project, personality is studied abundantly. While there are many ways to define personality, there is not a worldwide definition around. Personality is the unique combination of patterns that influence behavior, thought, motivation, and emotion in a human being ( That is one of many ways of defining personality. When examining personality, there are four main approachable theories including: The Psychodynamic Approach, The Trait Approach, The Social-Cognitive Approach, and The Humanistic Approach.
After taking the Jung theory personality test I ended up with being Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging. After reviewing the definitions and results I do feel like this is pretty accurate. I will go into more detail as to how it is.
Personality is defined as “a) the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. b) the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual” (, 2010). Whether we realize it or not, personality defines us as people. There are many facets to my personality,
The personality theory that I have chosen as best identifying with my personality and beliefs is Adler’s Individual Psychology theory (Friedman & Schustack, 2012). Adler based his theory on the belief that individuals placed varying degrees of importance in different aspects of social and individual motivations such as an ideal goal. He used the term finalism to describe his idea that individuals all have an ultimate goal that they strive to become. The goal is subjective to the person, and is influenced by the person’s ideals, whether fictional or imagined (Schultz & Schultz, 2005). Adler’s theory emphasized complexes of inferiority, superiority, and dynamics in the context of birth order, and external influences.
Some key personality concepts that define who I am is introvert, intuitive, intuitive feeling, and judging. Introverted intuition allows me to appreciate a better clarity of perception of inner unconscious techniques. It allows me to act spontaneously and insightful as original resolutions present themselves, on a case by case basis. Basically this means that I follow my intuition and not how I may sense something.
Personality takes many shapes and forms and is affected by many factors. My understanding of personality is simply a genetic and environmentally determined set of psychological traits that influence our reactions in the world around us. Genetic because our parents possess a certain set of psychological personality traits that we tend to have in common with them so therefore in my opinion there are heritable personality traits. Personality is environmental because we each have our own separate experiences in the world and these experiences help form our unique personality. Neo-Freudians such as Jung have given us a wide array of ideas of how they believe personality is developed and formatted. Jung in particular has a very interesting take on personality. It is this theory that I can most resonate with and apply to myself and even friends and family of mine.