
Microglia Essay

Decent Essays

Microglia serve as the resident innate immune cells of the brain parenchyma which play different roles in adult and developing CNS ranging from immunological surveillance to neurological preservation.17,18 Although microglia are the primary cells involved in innate immunity in the CNS, astrocytes and neurons also take part in immune response.19 Microglia were firstly identified as rod-shaped nucleus containing cells in the brain over one-hundred years ago and were named Staebchenzellen.20 Microglia with the capacity for self-renewal and long-living originate from myeloid progenitors within the yolk sac and migrate to the developing CNS during early embryogenesis. They are different from the cells derived from the bone marrow by haematopoiesis and from the blood circulating cells.21,22 These phagocytes make up approximately 10% of heterogeneous cell population in CNS and trigger both innate and adaptive immunities in neuroinflammation.12,13 …show more content…

Conversely, alternative activated microphages typically protect the body from disorders.22 In other words, macrophages can be detrimental and participate in the progression of numerous neuroinflammatory diseases.28 C-type lectin receptor of macrophages plays a vital role in neuroinflammation by recognizing the ligands generated by necrotic cells and secreting pro-inflammatory mediators like interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and NO following stroke and other neurological

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