
Microscale Recrystallization Lab Report

Satisfactory Essays

NAME: ___Amy Hua________________ INTRODUCTION In this experiment, macroscale and microscale recrystallization will be used to analyze an unknown chemical. Through these recrystallizations, the unknown chemical will be purified, and will be analyzed through melting points, to determine the identity of the compound. DATA AND CALCULATIONS PART A Beginning mass of impure sample: ____0.4969g________ Final mass of purified unknown: ____0.1311g________ % Recovery (with calculation): % Recovery = (amount of pure product recovered (g))/(amount of crude material used (g)) x100 = 0.1311g/0.4969g x100 = 0.263825782g x 100 = 0.2638g x 100 = 26.38% % recovery: ___26.38%________ MELTING POINT UNKNOWN: ____156.4°C-159.8°C_________ …show more content…

After purifying the compound, the melting point was taken, and the identity of the unknown compound was narrowed down to either Salicylic acid or Benzillic acid. After taking mixed melting points of 50/50 unknown with Salicylic acid and then 50/50 unknown with Benzillic Acid, it is confirmed that the identity of unknown compound #7 is Salicylic Acid. The mixed melting points confirmed that the unknown compound was Salicylic Acid, because when it was 50/50 unknown with Salicylic Acid, the melting point did not change, and the range stayed the same. However, when the mixed melting point was taken of 50/50 unknown and Benzilic Acid, the melting point changed drastically; the melting point was lower and the range was broader, therefore, confirming the unknown was not Benzilic Acid. Then the melting point of the crystals from part B was taken, and it was the same as the melting point obtained from part A. Therefore confirming the unknown used for recrystallization in part A and B is Salicylic acid. The crystals collected from part A had a 26.38% recovery, and the crystals collected from part B had a 27.20% recovery. This shows that macroscale is more efficient, and is a better technique for purifying the compound, since the % recovery is

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