
Mid-Term Reflective Report

Decent Essays

Background For my winter 2017 co-op term, I worked at KPMG LLP, Canada as a staff accounting in the Financial Institution and Real Estate audit group. Similar to my midterm reflection, I worked in teams of 4-6 people, with various level of expertise including staff accountants, seniors, managers and partners. Over the last half of the work term, I worked on 3 different real estate clients (two public and one private company) working on various audit work such as debt and revenue sections. Preparing and Delivering Oral Communication Since my mid-term reflection, I had many informal public speaking opportunities within team meetings as well as meetings with clients. On a regular basis I am required to report to my team which includes my senior, manager as well as partner regarding the status of the work, the outstanding items and the expected date of completion. In addition, I had regular meetings with the clients, usually property accountants as I was in the real estate department, to discuss any …show more content…

The feedback that I received was mostly positive with the occasional comment regarding that I since I have an accent I should speak slightly slower such that everyone could understand what I was articulating. Overall, I am confident in my communication skills and I do believe I was professional in my communication with everyone that I worked with. Since my midterm reflection, the development in my communication skills is attributable to the increase in confidence which is due to the increase in my knowledge of audit and the continuity that I have with the clients that I am on. I was able to develop more personal relationships with the team as well as the clients that I would regularly contact. Listening to Oral

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