
Middle School New Teacher Induction Program Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Atkins Middle School New Teacher Induction Program
Mission Statement: To nurture the mind, captivate the heart and empower the learner.
Vision: To inspire hope, cultivate potential, and champion success.
Value Statement: Integrity – Courage – Respect – Loyalty – Unity
Goal1: Advancing literacy and numeracy at all grade levels
Performance Objective 1: African American students will meet or exceed the campus average on all STAAR test for each grade level content assessment.
Goal 2: Enhancing relevant academic programming to increase student readiness for college and career.
Performance Objective 1: Increase the percentage of students who will perform at level III on 2 or more STAAR grade level content assessment to meet or exceed Index 4 target score.
Goal 3: Cultivating a culture that provides synergistic systems of support for overall improvement and engagement of all stakeholders.
Performance Objective 1: The percentage of lesson plans and GANAG classroom walkthroughs that exhibit use of the GANAG format and that result in students using high yield strategies will be at least 70%. GANAG is a 21st century lesson plan schema created by Janie Pollock.

Date Title Objective Assignment
The Meeting Allow new teachers to introduce themselves to each other. Explanation of Campus goals and objectives and the reflection journal For the next meeting I would like for all new teachers to reflect on their first week of school. I want you to think about the positive and

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