Middle school. We all started this journey as innocent little 5th graders. We are at the bottom of the totem pole. Big scary 8th graders shout at the back of the bus. Unfamiliar words and phrases are spoken in the air. This will be you one day. Once we arrive at the school, we are greeted by teachers and their signs guiding you to the correct classroom. Smiles and quivers are divided among us newcomers. Some are ecstatic to begin a new chapter, and some are nervous they wore an ugly shirt. 5th grade was an awkward time. We judged people’s intelligence on their math class status. We did learn something though; find something and stick to it. 6th grade was even more awkward. We were divided into 4 teams, Black Bear, Acadia, Seaside, and
Hello, my name is Susan Stewart. I am a member of the Wheatland High School Grad Night Committee. The committee is comprised of Volunteers who plan and facilitate the Safe and Sober Grad Night event for Wheatland High School graduates. Committee members are meeting with local community businesses and leaders like yourself, to ask if they would be interested in supporting an event aimed at keeping our local teens safe on such a celebratory night.
In fifth grade one of our most important goals is to help students prepare for the big changes coming their way once they enter the Middle School. In order for this to happen, we will be expecting much from our students, but I promise to do my best to provide a safe and fun environment in which students can learn and prepare for these changes.
Do you want to have fun at Middle Park? Well, if you do that's great, because we are thinking about some fun things you can do while you’re here. How about a snowman building contest? This is where families can go against each other to build the biggest snowman,and whoever wins get there picture in the newspaper. Now that sounds like fun!
First off I would like to congratulate everyone for making it this far. I would like to thank my classmates, my friends, and my family. I especially want to thank our teachers, for always supporting and encouraging us. If it weren’t for the people who support us daily, we would not be where we are today. I would like everyone to turn to their families, and teachers to thank them for all that they have done for us.
Going into middle school for me, was terrifying. I didn’t know anyone, and making friends was on the top
Dear administrators, teachers, parents, beloved friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 8th grade graduation. It’s a pleasure to be standing in front of you today on this beautiful day to express the happiness we all feel.
After leaving elementary, I was a little nervous to start middle school because I thought the work was going to be hard. I attended McIntyre in sixth grade, which was not far from my elementary school. I was surprised that my mom had attended McIntyre when she was a little girl. I was excited when I got there, because I would always hear how things were so different in middle school— lockers, more activities, and more freedom. It was cool that all of us (sixth graders) had a whole building to ourselves, which meant no crowded hallways! McIntyre was the only school that I went to that had lockers. I was glad that there were lockers because before school started that year I was practicing combinations on a lock. I struggled at first to go to my lockers in between classes, but then it was all a piece of cake when I remembered my combination. I met nice teachers, and made a few more friends in middle school. Some of my friends from elementary also attended McIntyre. I became apart of club in sixth grade, called the National Junior Honor Society. At first I didn’t know exactly what the NJHS was, but I was told that it was
Though my experiences 5th grade was amazing and I loved going to Biztown. It was school still, so we did have to work hard and sometimes it felt overwhelming but when I look back on it now it feels like the school year breezed by. During the beginning of the school year I was nervous because even though many people I knew would be in my class, I was worried if I would find my place. Because even though some people don’t want to say so people do have “groups”. So for the first day it’s a day to kinda give impressions. Like the teachers pet,class clown,the smart kid,and etcetera.Though the year I did eventually find my place and had made amazing friends while doing so.Although I did have my fair share of drama but it didn’t bother me as much
Time went by so fast through all the league ball games and tournaments I finally made it to middle school. Going into my first year on middle school all I could think
(sound alarm) Don't you just love that sound. Ahhh the sound of school calling at 6 in the morning. When you start a new school or a new grade many emotions are most likely running through your head which stress' you out. But when you get to high school it's a whole new beginning and experience. The overall experience of high school is pretty neat if you asked me. The freedom is nice, although there is a lot of stress, the people in the hallway can be disturbing, and you make all new sorts of friends and enemy's.
Thank you for your time with me tonight. It was short but I'm very grateful that I had a chance to talk to you.
Hey guys! As many of you know school is starting really soon, most people have already started but I'm starting the 6th. As the school year comes I will be less active on the forums and in game, as I have homework and other things to do. I will be entering 8th grade so yay last year of middle school. This year I will be working very hard because like I said last year of middle school I wanna do well.
Fifth grade started a whole new chapter in life. It started with a new school with both familiar and unfamiliar faces and with that, new challenges that included trying to fit in with your peers. Not until I started getting questions like, “You get free lunch? How?” or being stared at while standing in the ‘free lunch line’ as it was called in school, did I realize that I was different
Middle school was the start for the many challenging years yet to come. Extremely quickly, I
“Honey you do not want to be late for your first day of high school, do you?” my mother said in her groggy early morning voice as she opened my bedroom door.