
Midwest University Summary

Decent Essays

The main aim of this summary was to explore the learning styles and life in general of students in Midwest University. The writer begins by thanking the students who made their accommodation at the campus possible. Usually, the school will cater only for its students with no visitors in mind. But some students were generous enough to offer their rooms for the academic year so that the writers would do their research comfortably. To be able to do so, they first needed permission from the relevant authorities in the campus. Also, they could not entirely fund the research on their own. The Spencer Foundation came in and funded them so that they would be able to collect the required data for their research. The primary purpose of this writers was …show more content…

They managed to interview several people, among them lecturers and students. One particular character who attracted my attention was Elizabeth, who is supported by both her parents in terms of school fees and general survival in the campus. She is one of the few students who is lucky to have support from her family and friends. In fact, she seems to be very grateful for the support she gets as no every person can get such. She is also grateful for having made friends who are able to assist her in her day to day life on campus by participating in discussions, lending her books, participating in various games and also spending their free time with her. Another captivating character was Laura, a Ph.D. holder, who works at the University. Laura explains her life up to when she got married to the husband and started a family. She made all this progress soon after obtaining her Ph.D., which she claims were quite challenging. She endured the challenges so that she could get to where she is today. In her experience, the most challenging bit was learning and having to grasp everything before the random tests and the final exam. All in all, she never quit halfway as she was motivated to finish her

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