
Mike Manrod's Case Summary

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Mike Manrod, mention how teamwork had already been established. It appeared that a team group already existed and he explained how accustomed he was collaborating with others. He expressed on a normal day getting a cup of coffee involved collaborating with others and he stated that the beauty of the types of work was a mixture of human interactions and technology interaction and just respectable old fashioned problem solving. Mike stated that the military had given him a foundation that he will be forever grateful for and it taught him the most important thing within any great endeavor were the people he work with to collaborate together as one unit to accomplish his mission. That explains that he was given a high profile team that had already gone through communication, effective listening, collaboration, constructive conflict/ destructive conflict and etc. (Lessons Learned and trust). …show more content…

The benefits of the approach in Mike Manrods case, a team of high profile group had already undergone through the process of forming getting the group together forming rules that needed to be established, storming following state where members had to grow in confidence, and the group became a cohesive part and performed as a team of

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