
Milgram Experiment Reaction

Decent Essays

Are We Any Better Now? Reaction Paper
1. How did you score on the class obedience quiz? Does your score make you more or less likely to shock people in the Milgram experiment?
On the class obedience quiz I scored a 28. This score is some what in the middle but it leans more towards the resistant side of the spectrum. I believe this score makes me less likely to shock people if I was a candidate of the Milgram experiment.
2. What is the lesson of the Milgram experiment? Have people learned the lesson of the Milgram experiment? Why or why not? The lesson of the Milgram experiment is to reveal to society that a person will go against their belief of what is right and put another man or women through physical pain and life threatening danger, simply because a male in a …show more content…

According to Rothwell, “Resistance is a covert form of communicating noncompliance, and it is often duplicitous and manipulative...when faced with a dominant individual (supervisor, parent, or group leader), it is often safer to employ indirect means of noncompliance than direct confrontation or open defiance” (326). In the Milgram experiment, there was an authoritative figure giving commands to the participants. Therefore, in order to resist, using indirect means of noncompliance would be a more useful tactic. In addition, there are many different resistance techniques and out of all of them I believe “purposeful procrastination” would have been the most suitable. Participants could have procrastinated shocking their victims indefinitely, which would be a useful and subtle means of defiance. Another reason this could prove useful is because some of the participants could feel too intimidated by the authoritative figure. Lastly, everyone is different and we all have different ways of balancing power. I simply would have used defiance and walked

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