be more expensive, more overcrowded, more militarized, and the most aggressive in the country’s history. It is fair to say the system is racist, but even if we took all people of color out of prison, leaving only the white majority, we would still be over-incarcerated. Our nation would still face awful police brutality, and we would still need to reform our corrupted criminal justice system.
As a whole, the United States has a larger problem than simply the police. 80 billion dollars a year of American taxes go toward funding the prison complex, used by the wealthy elite to control the deprived in the dark, maintaining a divided population. This seems eerily similar to the early days of slavery, and this 3-tiered caste system still looms over society. Due to a poorly structured education system, black students are more than twice as likely to be suspended from school than white students, and only half of black Americans graduate from high school, while 75% of white Americans get to walk on graduation day. Consequently, black males are twice as likely to be unemployed as white males after high school. Of course there are exceptions across the nation, but this trend proves to show that as a whole, the entire structure of our
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It is clear to people across the nation that poverty within the white community is also very bad. Economists and poverty experts estimate that for everyone in the United States, half of them live in poverty. There is a myth in our country surrounding the phrase, social mobility. Social mobility is in a sense the “American dream”, and has long been forgotten due to decades of disinvestment in small communities. This has left these many pockets across the United States with poor local economies, few to no jobs, a diminishing tax base, and absolutely nothing to bring new residents or business to their respective
“The genius of the current caste system, and what most distinguishes it from its predecessors, is that it appears voluntary. People choose to commit crimes, and that's why they are locked up or locked out, we are told. This feature makes the politics of responsibility particularly tempting, as it appears the system can be avoided with good behavior. But herein lies the trap. All people make mistakes. All of us are sinners. All of us are criminals. All of us violate the law at some point in our lives. In fact, if the worst thing you have ever done is speed ten miles over the speed limit on the freeway, you have put yourself and others at more risk of harm than someone smoking marijuana in the privacy of his or her living room. Yet there are
Commonly referred to as the “oldest religion” in the world, Hinduism is believed to be created by the Aryans between 500 BCE and 300 CE. With over one billion followers internationally, it is the third largest religion. As a way to justify the caste system that had been put in place in India, many followed Hinduism due to reincarnation being apart of the religion. Many believed that individuals were in their current caste system due to what they did in the previous life. While Hinduism continued to prosper throughout India, Buddhism, a religion created by Siddhartha Gautama, was created and many started to turn this faith as a way to ensure the serenity of their afterlife. Due to Buddha creating a faith and basing a majority of it off of Hinduism’s
There have been many articles printed out over the years about, “A World Without Police Officer” one of the articles, I would talk about is an article by Mr. Peter Gelderloos. Mr. Gelderloss, stated in his article, “The police are a racist, authoritarian institution that exists to protect the powerful in an unequal system. We don’t want better police. We don’t want to fix the police. On the contrary, we understand that the police work quite well; they simply do not work for us and they never have. We want to get rid of the police entirely, and we want to live in a world where police are not necessary.” (Gelderloos, 2014). Now, I understand where Mr. Gelderloss, get all his angry and ball up emotion from and want to leak out toward law enforcement,
Because of this, we would see people with different backgrounds getting shot and arrested for no reason. Whenever we go on social media, we would see that people are living in a state of fear whenever a police is nearby because they don’t know whether something bad will happen to them. In the article, “Something’s wrong when the law-abiding are afraid of police,” it talks about how a black woman was fearing for her life because a police officer pulled her over. The police officer didn’t arrest or shoot her, but instead asked her if she was feeling fine since she was driving under the speed limit. People started commenting that this black woman wouldn’t need to fear the police officer if she obeyed him. Perhaps that’s true for someone else, but African Americans are living a different truth. The problem with this is that no one should fear a police officer because they are suppose to serve and protect the community. When someone is fearing a police officer then we know that something isn’t right. We see that many different ethnic people are getting killed by police officers because they don’t seem to trust them but white people. That is why as a community, we should train police officers to become more comfortable with residents of a different racial background. Police officers are required to make our society safe but it turns out that they are the one that are causing us to live in a state of perturbation. For that reason, we know that our police officers are
When it comes to the topic of police reform, many agree that our country is long overdue for it, however, the questions are how exactly do we, as a nation, go about changing one of the most powerful structures to exist in the country. While some believe that reform must come from within the individually flawed police departments, others argue that the entire criminal justice system needs an overhaul. In this Response essay about Ta-Nehisti Coastes’ essay “The Myth of Police Reform,” Coates is saying, that the criminal-justice system is not working as well as it should. They are putting people, especially African Americans in jail or killing them. Some people have a mental or physical disability or a have a drug or alcohol problem that
During the last centuries of the classical era, India and many other civilizations modified their culture while other lifestyles continued on with the way they had always been. During the periods from 300 – 600 C.E, Indian civilizations kept their political structure of the caste system and also their religion of Hinduism, but slowly departed away from long distance trade with other societies.
within our nation’s borders, including poor whites, who are often pitted against poor people of color, the collapse of mass incarceration will not mean the death of racial caste in America. Inevitably a new system of racialized social control will emerge … No task is more urgent for racial justice today than ensuring thatAmerica’s current racial caste system is its
Did you know the estimate annual cost of police misconduct to taxpayers is 1.8 trillion dollars (Wing 2015)? Police brutality is an act of aggression and unnecessary force to handle a situation, most cases in physical form. It also plays a role in ethnicity, not all, but most police officers are still racial profiling. This controversy has been an issue of the U.S criminal justice system for decades, especially among minorities. In 2015, a record 1,207 people were killed by American police, making us the only nation in the world to have the most killings by police offers. An average two to three people are killed a day by police offers, then any other nations have killed people in an entire year (King 2016). There’s always been two sides
In this situation one possible solution is to have African American police in African American communities an the same with Latino communities.The racial disparity between the police and the communities is even sharper.Nearly 60 % of the population
As a democratic society, law enforcement often adopts the role of being the agents of social control and accountability. For as long as they have existed, law enforcement has received enormous amounts of public scrutiny for issues such as corruption, unfairness, lack of professionalism and excessive application of force when handling the public. But the police’s lowest mark in the communities is by far for shooting unarmed black men. They have been criticized for contributing to a significant number of racially charged killings throughout the United States.
Law enforcement has become a hot topic on everyone's radar because of the shootings have that taken place around the world involving a caucasian male police officer and an unarmed african american male, unnecessary force exerted and racial profiling. Our country has become angered because of the wrongdoings of the people who are suppose to protect our communities. The people of this nation are losing all hope for America because they feel the law can not be trusted. They have started an outcry for help by rioting, lawsuits and even taking it as far as killing police officers. The issue of police misconduct has become so big that it is not only that particular police departments fixings it has become the duty of the federal government to fix.
Poverty is often determine by race and ethnicity, in Cohen words “ America Indians, Latinos, and African Americans are all about three times more likely to be more poor than Whites” (Cohen 2015: 129) The article “ How Black Middle-Class become poor Adults” by Gillian B White backs this statement up. The article talks about how black parents that live in the middle class are more likely to see their kids go down the ladder and become poor. This theory exist because black children don’t have the same education that a white can have growing up, when a black kid grows up the chances of them becoming single parents are 4 out of 10 and because they still face segregation in some work places that don’t let them progress, the poverty among whites is
Poverty is a big deal in this country. There are millions of people in this country living in poverty.
The U.S. will forever need a system that upholds social control, deters and mitigates crime, and/ or sanction those who violate laws with the appropriate punishment but police discretion needs reformation. We are forgotten as people, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, customers, but instead, categorized according to our background, race, and status. The negatives of police discretion can progressively vanish if professionals were balanced instead of
When we think of the police, we normally think of the brave men and women out on the street, enforcing the law, catching criminals, helping out the public in cases of emergency and making us feel safe in general. Most of the Police in most of the world is like that which is a good thing, However in the United States of America the police here are a bit more ruthless. Most of the police officers are very nice people and they really do want to help out in their community, but unfortunately there are some bad and corrupt cops in the system that will break the law and do some bad things. In the Modern world most bad cops are seen as racist and trigger happy. They don’t kill for fun of course but whenever they feel threatened they are trained to feel as though they need to take down their target since they are taught to make sure they don’t do something that will end up killing them. While nobody is at fault with these cases it is unfortunate that it does happen. Thankfully most of those cops are not as bad as the actual corrupted ones where they do business with drug lords and take their money just so that the criminals don’t get ratted out and so that they can continue their business. While there are some organizations that are corrupted the people in America do have power and a decent morality to do something about it. There are many organizations and cases that happened in the supreme court that has changed how the police behave and act when they are out on the