
Military Professionals: The United States Army As A Profession

Decent Essays

Military Professionals In a world of doctors, lawyer, scientists, and corporate executives how can the U.S. Army be regarded as a profession? The answer to the question might lie within the concept of the basic branches of the Army, and the specialized skills and equipment that set them apart from one another. This question might also be answered by examining the concept of putting untrained, well-armed, militia through a warfighter exercise, and comparing the results versus some so called Army professionals. One can look back in history, and examine the foundation and formation of the United States Army to garner a better understanding of it as a profession. Though these concepts are not all inclusive they will help to better understand why the Army is considered a profession by many, yet questionable by others. …show more content…

From Infantry, to Ordnance, to the Medical Corps; professionals are scattered throughout. Some branches share skills, however many more are specialized, and require months, even years of training to reach a level of proficiency each branch requires. Of course one could point to the doctors and lawyers among the ranks, and say yes they are professionals. Military officials know that an Infantry Officer would not be expected to pick up a scalpel, and remove the shrapnel from the wound of an injured Soldier, without doing more damage than good. However, they cannot expect the doctors or lawyers among them to employ an Infantry Company on the battlefield in Afghanistan. Nor would they expect an Armor Officer to employ an Apache helicopter on the battle field. Each basic branch requires a certain higher level of skill for each and special skills are what set professionals apart from a lay

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