
Military Tattoos

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In an attempt to rectify this, some employers will hire people who do have tattoos and certain piercings, usually ones that do not live big gaping holes exposed on your face when you take them out, but will then ask them to cover up. A reasonable compromise, but it still feels like a censorship is in the works at that point, but this is suitable for now in the movement. However in certain jobs wearing a long sleeve shirt to cover up a tattoo sleeve can be harmful to the worker. Such situations would be those who have to work in an outdoor environment during the sweltering summers, such as my job with the city, but luckily I only have tattoos that are covered up by a short sleeved shirt.
And some of these businesses include areas of the police force and the military. Captain Mark Strobridge of the Orange County Sheriff’s stated, "What we're seeing is a trend, with younger people coming out of the military and they're getting more tattoos. We find highly qualified individuals, but their appearance is not in keeping with grooming standards for law enforcement” (Reed). And a dress code brought in by the military and police force may very well be endangering the health of these forces. Corporal John Park mark remarked that, "We fought long and hard to get a …show more content…

Though it is understandable to want to implement a dress code, despite the censorship being implied by this very notion, there is a certain way that all employers want their job to look like; furthermore, certain jobs require attire for safety reasons and for identification purposes. For instance a police officer must wear his uniform with badge and gear so he is easily identifiable to the public in the case of an emergency. A fire fighter is the same way, but their uniform is also built for going into fires to save individuals. The discrimination needs to stop

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