
Mindful Yoga

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Previously discussed was a study centered on professionals using yoga as a technique for improving relationships with their patients, but this study emphasizes the importance of having compassion for yourself. In Newsome et. al (2012) study, thirty-one college students about to enter helping professions, including counseling, nursing, teaching, etc., attended a 6 week long mindfulness group which included mindful yoga. This research showed that after 6 weeks, the students' perceived stress levels had decreased and their mindfulness and self-compassion significantly increased. After the intervention, participants' feelings and thoughts pertaining to the impact of mindful yoga were recorded. One student claimed, "I am beginning to have more …show more content…

Razza et al. (2015) studied twenty-nine preschool children (ages ranging from 3-5 years old) in the effectiveness of mindful yoga in promoting self-regulation. The children were taught basic and child-friendly yoga poses such as animal-named poses (cow, cat, downward dog) and nature-named poses (mountain, tree, moon). After the intervention, various tests were conducted to evaluate self-regulation. In one assessment, the interviewer told the child that they had a present for them, but needed to wrap it first. The child was instructed to turn away and asked not to peek while the interviewer wrapped the toy. They were given 60 seconds to wait and the interviewer recorded the amount of time the child waited to peek. Children who participated in the mindful yoga program were found to have greater ability to delay gratification in comparison to the control group (children who did not participate in mindful yoga). Self-regulation has been found to facilitate peer acceptance, social success, and academic performance while poor self-regulation is associated with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, depression, failure in school, anxiety, and substance abuse in later adolescent-hood. If mindful yoga were to be included in school's physical education curriculums and students are exposed to self-regulation early on, onset of the previously mentioned issues may significantly

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