
Miners Essay

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The Young Change Agents Introduction: Every organizational structures and practice has the role of the change agent and it plays a significant part in organization. A case like ‘The Young Change Agents’ focuses on the change leader and the bottom of the ladder. Following by that in this case study James Shaw who joined AIESEC- world largest student-run international student exchange and development organization and his main responsibilities were recruiting, training, motivating, utilizing and retaining the organization’s members. Therefore as a self directed and self motivated person, Shaw kept himself engaged with the organization, and spent time on networking within the firm and making suggestions where he felt …show more content…

Personal characteristics, attitudes, and qualities most needed to be successful: To be successful in these situation personal characteristics, attitudes and qualities are most needed. Therefore, they recruit Fabio Sgaragli, he had been the national president of AIESEC Italy and also had also worked with Shaw at AIESEC international in Brussels, deeply talented and real visionary. However, implement a whole new strategy adopted by the company, hard work and determination was a very important role to be exercised by the members of the group. In addition, the members were also required to be enthusiastic, creative and ambitious to achieve their goals. Considering different parties involved to the new strategy networking was another important issue that could be considered to make everyone understand the efficiency. According to Jick T.D and Peiperl M.A (2003), each member of the group had good experience with strategic management for being involved for long period in management in other organization, which helps the members to figure out the necessity of a strategy to be considered based on the vision, objectives and goals of the company. PwC is a very big company and it was beyond their thoughts before they actually got selected to the company and it was very hard for the members to communicate with each others to get help and authorization to implement the new strategy. Therefore, it is very important to have good communication skill and

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