
Mini Project

Satisfactory Essays

ARLT101: 1st Mini-Project Topic

Scavenger Hunt of USC Campus and Neighborhood or of Downtown Los Angeles

Complete either (A) a scavenger hunt of the USC campus and University Park neighborhood or (B) a scavenger hunt of downtown Los Angeles.

At the end of completing your hunt, write a short essay (1 page) in which you explain the most interesting item you discovered by doing this scavenger hunt.

Note: The scavenger hunt project should be typed

Complete either (A) a scavenger hunt of downtown Los Angeles or (B) a scavenger hunt of the USC campus and North University Park.

A. USC Scavenger Hunt

Complete the 52 items for the USC Scavenger hunt below.

Write a short essay (1 page) in which you explain the most …show more content…

15. Provide the title of a book written by Joseph P. Widney that has “race” in the title and briefly describe its subject. Also briefly describe Joseph P. Widney’s association with USC or what position he had at USC.

16. Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall, which houses the School of Policy, Planning and Development at USC, has, in its ground floor hallway, two sets of maps presenting information about Los Angeles. The set of maps on one wall are part of a display entitled “The Geography of Buzz.” The set of maps on the opposite wall present graphic displays of information about Los Angeles. Briefly describe the two sets of maps, one on each side of the hallway.

17. Briefly describe the insides of the Little Chapel of Silence on the USC campus

18. Transcribe the inscription above the south entrance to Fisher Gallery (above the doors facing Exposition Park)

19. The north façade of Mudd Hall of Philosophy contains the names of a number of distinguished philosophers. Provide the name of the one American philosopher included on this facade.

20. Outside the Fisher Museum of Art is a sculpture garden by Jenny Holzer entitled “Blacklist.” The work of art contains words written by members of the Hollywood 10. Cite the text of your favorite quote and its

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