
Minority Police Ethnic Minority Conflict Management Essay

Decent Essays

Literature Review A previous study examines minority police officer’s contribution to police-ethnic minority conflict management. This study talks about communications between police and citizens with migration background are prone to conflict. Police services are staffed with officers that have a family migration background so that way it will be easier to reach out to those types of families to let them know that they are not alone and that there are police officers willing to help them through anything. “Minority police officer’s conflict intensification can be framed as being a point of friction. We conclude that minority police officers are beneficial to police-ethnic minority conflict management and suggest continuous monitoring of minority police officers ' roles by police authorities.” This study has shown that police officers with an ethnic minority background significantly contribute to intercultural conflict resolution (Decker, C., & Kersten, J. 2014). These results from this study will show me the true significance of having minorities on the police force and what they will contribute to law enforcement and society. Another study would be the Michael Brown legacy: police brutality and minority prosecution. This study covers an 18-year-old unarmed African American boy that was shot and killed in Ferguson Missouri by a white male police officer. After the shooting of Michael Brown, it lead to protests against racially motivated police brutality; which lead to

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