MIS 535 Week 2 Course Project – Business Problem Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial https://homeworklance.com/downloads/mis-535-week-2-course-project-business-problem/ For More Information Visit Our Website ( https://homeworklance.com/ )
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Provide an opportunity for students to apply a technology solution to a business problem in a specific company or organization that adds value to the organization. The Course Project’s focus is on the use of technology to solve specific business problems. Although the list of technologies that you can choose for your Course Project is vast, the following are some current technical topic suggestions
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Please include references (more than five) in the slides and have a separate bibliography at the end of the presentation.
Instructions for recording the audio track in PowerPoint 2010/2013
• Connect a mic to your computer
• Turn on and test the mic
• Open MS PowerPoint
• Create presentation and save
• Go to the slide show tab
• In the slide show tab press either o Start recording from beginning o Start recording from current slide
• When you are finished with the audio for the current slide, press the right arrow to continue to the next slide.
• Continue to speak into the mic until you finish showing your slides, and press stop to stop recording.
The PowerPoint presentation is due no later than 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week
In PowerPoint, use the _____ view to see what each slide will look like when presenting. (Unit 7)
Please note that in the presentation_content file, the person who has drafted the presentation has left you some instructions in red.
Based on your Week 3 collaborative learning team discussion, submit, individually, a 350- to 700-word summary of the work completed by your team.
Remember the objective of a slide show is to help you pass on the information to your audience. Over
1.c. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
With this type of innovation, it would be much easier for people to innovate, as there is less hassle involved. Therefore, it is an idea that is very applicable to the analytical framework in class, as we have learned about the process of developing new ideas or enhancing older ideas. Within all of the course material,
The goal is to add value to current clients as well as prospects. In addition, the company wants to get busy families and business owners to agree to set appointment in order to meet with a financial service professional. Lastly, the company wants people to utilize its Information Systems.
Now that we have defined the problem, it must be stated this is not a PowerPoint issue. ‘According to Microsoft’s website, PowerPoint is “presentation software that helps you tell a powerful story and share your slides.” ’ [2] PowerPoint is just a tool to accomplish the goal. The problem is the user not knowing how to use
Following is information pertaining my groups listening skills during the process of making our PowerPoint presentation.
Once the video is played, the clip loops until the user tell it to stop.
There’s no better way to solve this by simply not turning to look at the PowerPoint. While speaking the main focus needs to be in the audience. They already can see what is behind me. I need to keep eye contact with the audience to explain the slide and cover the points that I’ve made. While keeping the audience my center of attention this will also help me limit myself from using the word “um”. I notice when I used the filler word “um” I turned my back against the audience to look at the slide. I realized this becomes a distraction and interrupts the speech because you begin looking at the PowerPoint and disrupts the speech unless you know what you’re exactly looking for. Its best to just avoid it in my case. If I keep eye contact with my audience, it will help me to avoid using the filler word because its naturally awkward using it when you’re looking at the
Bovee and Thill state, “Planning oral presentations are much like planning any other business message: You analyze the situation, gather information, select the right medium, and organize the information” (p.434). Presentations in my organization accomplish this and other times don’t. Usually one can tell when this has been done and when it hasn’t. Several are effective and others aren’t.
What are the factors of production? How can economies grow when one or more of the factors is weak?
We had a lot of troubles at the beginning. For example, we have different opinions on the meeting time since we both had our own busy schedule. As a result, we couldn’t group together and discussed about the presentation. However, we opened a What’s app Group and we could communicate with each other easier inside that application. So we could able to finish the presentation at the end.
The reason why I picked the way I communicated my message is because it is the easiest way to communicate a message to a large group of people. Using power point slide show can be easy because it can keep the presenter organize and on scheduled as far as getting a message across. Each slide goes in order, as you want to talk to your group of people. For me my message is talking about the achievements of my dental clinic has made in the past year. With the power point speech notes at the bottom of each slide it can keep me on point, and able to communicate my message. With the first slide it’s a simple welcome, and opening remarks. It’s a way to