
Mission Statement Of Toyota

Decent Essays

1.0 Introduction
Seventy-eight years ago Kiichiro Toyoda has founding Toyota Motor Corporation and the automotive manufacturer has become one of the powerful manufacturer company around the world. In the motor industry, Toyota has make into 100 “Most Admired” list of companies in the world on the Fortune Magazine in 2016 (Szczesny, 2016).

The popularity reflects the company’s mission and vision statement, which has emphasize a comprehensive approach that considers innovation and customers’ needs that lead to the company’s success. Toyota’s mission statement has reflects the strategies and a strategic objective of the companies. Toyota’s vision statement indicates the long-term direction which the companies continue to follow by implementing …show more content…

Toyota mission statements mission statement of Toyota pertains its strategic actions. In expanded form, Toyota’s mission statement includes some strategic actions which describes the scope and purpose of its present business by reflecting the “who we are, what we do, and why we are here” questions. Toyota’s mission statement includes some strategic actions (Greenspan, 2015), which includes; provide world-class safety as to protect the lives of its customer, provide optimization of energy or infrastructure to local communities by sustained the environment through its eco-friendly, put high priority on safety and promote product development with the ultimate goal of “completely eliminating traffic casualties” in the product development stage, deliver cars that stimulate and even inspire the customers, address employees’ education under “Genchi-genbutsu” philosophy, which can be refer as one way to find the source of the problems to make correct decisions, build consensus and achieve companies goals at best speed through true mutual trust with business partners, contribute to the development of new technology and improved expertise in the firms, and lastly, ccontributes to economic development of local communities as the research and development (R&D) operations functioning effectively in each …show more content…

The long term mission and vision will facilitate to understand about the organization goals and the strategic action in achieves it. The uniqueness of the mission and vision of companies will establish the differences in the industry. The analysis of Toyota’s vision statement and mission statement gives better insights on the company’s strategic direction, objectives and actions. The mission and vision statements also help employees understand The Toyota Way, which is a unique and consist sets of strategies the companies’

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