
Missional Religion

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Introduction I have analyzed four churches and interviewed four leaders/pastors, each belonging to their specific church. From my interviews and church analysis, I have concluded that each church has a slightly different view of what it means to be a missional church, and I have identified two areas that all four churches should focus on. For each church, I will use my interview notes and gathered information to analyze what each church believes to be a missional church, and the steps they are taking to become more missional. I will base my analysis off of Scripture, class-assigned readings, scholarly sources, and personal insights. For this paper, I am using the definition for a missional church found within Craig Van Gelder’s book, The Ministry of the Missional Church: A Community Led by the Spirit. Gelder defines a missional church as “a community created by the Spirit and that it has a unique nature, …show more content…

Andrews Anglican Church Youth Director, Darryl Fitzwater, describes St. Andrews Anglican Church as a spirited, Evangelical church of about 180 people. The church’s focus is on preaching the gospel, as past leaders have ill-treated the congregation with weak theological teaching. The church has refocused on remaining faithful to Scripture and the early-history of the church. According to Darryl Fitzwater, a missional church is one that “mobilizes each believer into their specific calling, gifts, and passions.” Darryl Fitzwater believes that St. Andrews tries to be a missional church, but is not quite there. The church is often hampered by the centralized hierarchy of the church. Because many tasks are only able to be handled by specific individuals, many individuals are not able to be placed into ministries and roles that would mobilize their gifts and callings. Fitzwater believes that this aspect of Anglicanism has held the church back from being a more Spirit-led church. To many hands are tied because of extreme adherence to ancient church

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