
Mistakes When Disciplining Our Children

Decent Essays

Do You Make These Mistakes When Disciplining Your Children?

Disciplining our little ones can be extremely difficult. We are only human, we all make mistakes every now and then. Often times we may find ourselves blowing up or giving in to our child when they are misbehaving. But there are many common mistakes we all make that can be fixed with practice.

Disciplining when angry

Our children can drive us crazy, making us susceptible to exploding. But we must remember to never discipline when angry. Yelling and acting out of anger only instills in our children that they should do the same in relationships with others. Children respond best to discipline when a parent is calm and direct.


Take a moment to regroup and calm down. Then …show more content…

We tell our children no when they ask for more cookies, and eventually give in when they throw a fit. Inconsistency only causes lack of trust and confusion, and often times makes our child feel the need to test our limits.


Determine what rules are most important and that you will most likely enforce. Don't make too many rules, that will put too much stress on you and your kids. Commit to enforcing those rules with positive reinforcement.

Physical Punishment

Unfortunately physical punishment is still approved by more than half of adults today. Spanking, slapping, pinching, or any physical force with the intention of inflicting pain to discipline your child is wrong, and very counterproductive. Studies show that children who are hit, learn to use violence when dealing with conflict.


A gentle explanation of what they are doing wrong and how to correct it is more effective. Using your words will help them understand their wrongdoing instead of hitting, which only distracts them from their misbehavior.

Not being a good role model

We often times forget our children watch our behavior and tend to copy what we do. So therefore if we lie, yell, hit, or display bad behavior we should expect them to follow in our

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