
Mod 6

Decent Essays

Mod 6 1. What kinds of barriers to communication can you find in each scenario? In each scenario, workers of varied ages were accustomed to different mediums of communication creating an unusual barrier between the different age groups. The younger workers- Mark and Whitney- felt more comfortable communicating over social media or through an electronic device; a medium that allows people to communicate without forming the same relationship others form by speaking face-to-face. The older Coworkers were not used to the form of interaction preferred by the younger generation. They felt more comfortable speaking face-to-face. These differences created the barriers, because the different aged coworkers were not able to successfully …show more content…

2.At the three different stages of change, what are the likely sources of resistance? At the Unfreezing stage the most likely source of resistance is Inertia. This is because the company was comfortable with their present ways of doing things. At the next stage the source of resistance would be Mistrust. The lack of trust between the people communicating that there needed to be a change. At the final stage Refreezing, the main source of resistance would be falling back into the same pattern. This means that instead of going ahead with the new way of doing things and making progress they go back to doing what they have always done. 2. Why is Dr. Lee so opposed to the potential change? Can anything be done to reduce his resistance? The main reason Dr. Lee is opposed to change is because he is opposed to digital tech. Dr. Lee believes it is inferior to analog tech, and while that may not be the case he is afraid to stray away from the path that has been working for him for so long. Often when a person becomes familiar with something they are very resistant to change. This is the case with Dr. Lee in the world of technology new products are being developed daily and in order to convince someone that this new technology is good or even better is to get them familiar with it. Therefore to reduce Dr. Lees resistance someone needs to familiarize him with

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