
Mod Meter

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John Ottersbach Info I-303 Organizational Informatics June 10, 2009 Project # 2 This is the project report from evaluating the ModMeters mini-case (Textbook pages 55-57) 1. Synopsis This case is about a company at the very beginning of some huge expansion initiatives. A feasibility analysis from all departments is just starting to get under way. We will be looking at IT’s role in the analysis, which will include all department’s participation. The departmental executives meet to take account of their current budget needs and to see what departmental initiatives to be instituted to adopt the new strategic plans. 2. Key Issues 1. The company has grown before do meet demand. 2. Strategic initiative 1: Go from North …show more content…

Develop an IT planning process for ModMeters to accomplish the demands as set out above. ModMeters is suggesting a major shift in its growing plans. Shifting from meeting demand it is looking to expand operations and create new markets. These aggressive plans will rely heavily on IT to pave the way and aid in the ventures. IT and business heads have met to develop a planning process that will look at the organizations conversion process and outputs. New markets and expanding operations will take time to develop and require significant investments. This new business model will provide an opportunity to get the IT planning process right and make sure it is dynamic enough to work with the overall business. In order to leverage IT for the benefit of the whole organization enterprise architecture must be developed to oversee IT strategy. Centralizing IT strategy at the start of the new business strategies will be important to make sure IT and business are working together with common goals that deliver the most value. The following steps are to be completed within each department: 1. Complete a SWOT analysis with a focus on IT core competences. 2. Survey business employees on what technologies they use and how they utilize them. 3. From within the business locate key workers that are capable of becoming account managers. Their initial focus is on understanding how the department uses technology

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